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Status Updates posted by iansltx

  1. Side note: Chase isn't making much money off of me, even counting in transaction fees. Wonder what my credit rating is these days...

  2. To be fair though, many KCK neighborhoods have a 25% take rate requirement for buildout. Many in KCMO are 10% or 5%.

  3. ...and the #heavenfest Google Calendar is complete! http://t.co/IDQG7NFn RT if you find it useful :)

  4. Building a (unofficial) Google Calendar for @Heavenfest right now. It's available at http://t.co/IDQG7NFn if anyone wants it. Enjoy!

  5. Downgrading my Comcast internet ahead of transferring service to a roommate (moving to TWC-land). I'll miss 50/15. Everyone else won't.

  6. Just updated to Sprint's new voicemail app, which adheres to ICS theming cinventions. Looks nice and works well so far.

  7. A few points on "why doesn't Google Fiber do this": http://t.co/mJBujiHp

  8. (said by someone who has been paying >$70 for 'net access for months, and will continue to for the foreseeable future).

  9. Of the 74 fiberhoods in Kansas City, KS, one has so far hit the minimum for a #GoogleFiber buildout. KCMO has two.

  10. Hacked URLs -> realtime Google Fiber fiberhood progress...so far Roanoke will get built out first: https://t.co/WcyysfRz

  11. I'm now using Messages instead of Adium, and Notifications instead of Growl. Wonder what else I'll end up using built-in equivalents for.

  12. Side note: two simultaneous 10.8 downloads still aren't saturating my connection. Granted, it's 50M, but it wouldn't even saturate 30M :(

  13. Re: $AAPL, iPhone expectations were inflated. Some.potential iPhoners got an HTC One or Samsung GS3 instead, for the LTE.

  14. Arrived at my destination in Fort Worth. Also, Sprint. LTE is nice in some cases. http://t.co/cjO3FeVV

  15. So yeah, AT&T's shared data plans are pretty much as bad as VZW's...unless you use a lot of data. But then u r stuck on HSPA+ in most mkts.

  16. Can Google please buy Palm's patent portfolio from HP so idiocy like Samsung removing Universal Search due to Apple can stop?

  17. Another fact: the Galaxy SIII on T-Mobile is awesome if you live in Florida, or otherwise have a solid HSPA+ DC network.

  18. As others have said, Digg's DNA is woven into the social focus of much of the web today. This DNA is worth far more than its sale price.

  19. I just re-inserted HTTP GET params into a REST-centric PHP micro-framework. Somewhere a brogrammer died a little inside. That's okay.

  20. It's not like they're the only online music store that has 100% of those songs available or anything.

  21. There's no question who has the best network right now (VZW)...I have an iPad on them. But dang son, look at them fees!

  22. This means that the minimum cost for a smartphone on VZW is $80 per month off-contract, $90 per month on-contract, 1G of data in either case

  23. I am unnecessarily excited about Kies Air. There's something cool about serving tons of media files from my phone.

  24. Made my first ever Gogle Wallet NFC purchase a.few minutes ago at a local McDonalds. A little rough, but very cool nonetheless.

  25. Face Unlock is way too fun.

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