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Status Updates posted by iansltx

  1. Also, never mind about NaCl being the culprit for pegged CPU usage on my (dev) install of Chrome. Guess I have more troubleshooting to do.

  2. A bit of a brain dump on the current workflow at @AustinTechVids: http://t.co/NIqBZI56i7

  3. Fingers crossed, hoping that most of the YouTube upload queue that I've got running will be cleared out by mid-morning tomorrow...

  4. Realistically, I'll be selling a lightly used Motorola SB6141 for $20 or so a year-plus from now.

  5. API builders, opinions on whether you should implement CORS on your XML or JSON API? Do you? @CaseySoftware @AustinAPI etc.

  6. Crucial is giving away some of their M500 SSDs...enter here: http://t.co/3n7wNVCil2

  7. Hey look, it's gigabit residential service from one of the big phone companies: http://t.co/pYA1vNh30S

  8. After 14 hours (99.9% of the time powered on), my S III has completely recovered from a few-second complete dunk. Impressive.


    #LeagueOfLegends Thresh free week incoming. Heheheh, my opponents won't realize that I'm competent until too late.

  10. Mid Maokai. I've lost to that as a Lux. This'll be interesting. #LCS

  11. Never mind about GFiber in NC. Though a $600MM data center investment is nothing to sneeze at.

  12. For the record, Verizon shouldn't get the Clearwire spectrum lease. Nor should DISH buy Sprint.

  13. Anyone got the zip of the Galaxy Victory(@sprint) 4.1.2 update?

  14. I guess I'll need to convince my apartment complex to do this: http://t.co/nombHgesfT

  15. C'mon, announce fiberhoods already! #fiberATX (I know, won't happen today, but I can dream...)

  16. Funny how a company suddenly finds their (Windows, SQL Server) infrastructure expensive once they have to pay for their own EC2 instance...

  17. So I asked about the potential for something like Verizon's LTE in Rural America program, except with T-Mobile. Let's see what happens.

  18. Just emailed John Legere @tmobile. Coverage of one specific area is keeping me from switching. We'll see if he response/what he says.

  19. 316 characters of SQL to get order number + status. Take a guess at which platform I'm working on.

  20. Seriously thinking of ditching my E-PL1 (for which I only have the kit lens) in favor of the Stylux XZ-10. Such a cool little camera.

  21. Looks like the update to their website happened sometime between 3/4 and now. There's still "test" in the URL...

  22. Just revamped my S III with a new ROM. The ringer volume on this thing now puts Nextel phones to shame. Like, real Nextel phones. Wow...

  23. I stand behind my previous tweet.

  24. Heh, Dignitrash.

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