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Status Updates posted by iansltx

  1. RT @mongodbfacts: If web apps are every going to be fast, we're going to need to embed node.js in the browser.

  2. In other news, Sprint, your move. I want a tri-band S4 would rather not buy it outright. I'm a little over a year into my contract now...

  3. RT @PagePlus: Thought our Talk n Text 1200 plan was good before? Now it's even better! -- http://t.co/YCFabbQ4Wd

  4. RT @RayMuzyka: How An Engineering Toy For Girls Went From Kickstarter To Bestseller by @laureninspace http://t.co/P3UiPBmS71

  5. RT @GambitEsports: Two teams share first place, three teams shared third, three teams share sixth. #LCS EU Summer very tight so far.

  6. Windows Phone has a killer app now. It's actually the phone itself. Or, specifically, the camera of the phone itself. But wow, expensive.

  7. Happy Independence Day, y'all! 4th of July, 4th Amendment, and all that good stuff.

  8. RT @engadgetmobile: Redbox Instant app for Android updated to work on rooted devices http://t.co/zkSI4WMLaG

  9. RT @Marinperez: Hey hipster startups, the open plan office sucks: http://t.co/b2s9oLi48z

  10. RT @AustinTechVids: @urthen discusses how [not] to [not] version your API at @AustinAPI (May 22 2013) http://t.co/Xi6QJsG6ZG

  11. Just realized that I was saying "InDesign" when I meant "Illustrator". Not that it mattered, but whoops.

  12. Today I learned: Don't try setting up Passenger + Rails from the root user. It won't work. Normal user + sudo = it works!

  13. Nine months later, the location piece of my Twitter profile is correct. Hey, it could have been ten...

  14. Added to a page just now. Felt so wrong. Almost as wrong as using IE. So I'm vindicated.

  15. So, I found a JS-related bug that exists in IE9+. Not IE8. Not any other browser. Just IE9+. Now to figure out why...and a fix...

  16. So apparently my workstation is pulling v4 and v6 public IPs through my router somewhere. Nifty, but I want my LAN back.

  17. Ten quick thoughts on Day 1 of Google I/O 2013: http://t.co/x3x8y4EMPe

  18. And yes, that means that I have a couple @Simplify invites...anyone want one?

  19. 50K total, not additional. Central sites will get 150 Mbps...my guess is 20x20 FD.

  20. "We should be building great things that don't exist." Words of wisdom. Hard, but worthwhile. Not yet another _____ clone.

  21. an expansion on smth I said at a meetup yesterday - Internet QOS Sucks: why modern browsers use parallel connections http://t.co/avt9yxiHJh

  22. Wow, Final Cut Pro X is actually pretty impressive. Unfortunate that I waited until my last trial day to find this out.

  23. Oh, hey, my new modem works too...pretty much zero downtime and I can now return my rental modem. Sweet.

  24. "Legacy" Google storage prices: 25¢/GB/year. Last-gen prices: $1.20/GB/year. Next-gen prices: 60¢/GB/year...a step in the right direction.

  25. Anyone know which phones, in addition to the S 4, have LTE 1700 on Verizon?

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