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Status Updates posted by iansltx

  1. Annoyed @AmpedWireless right now: still no IPv6 support and can't port-forward with non-identical source/destination ports on my RB10000G.

  2. In other words, "DON'T YOU DARE CACHE THIS"

  3. I'll defer to someone with more knowledge, but my Nexus 4 still has LTE available in the *#*#4636#*#* menu, post-4.2.2.

  4. My point: removing LTE is not a vendetta by LG/Google/AT&T/T-Mobile against the common man.

  5. Why am I still postpaid? Unltd LTE data in Fredericksburg on a subsidized SIII. May switch to Sprint as You Go if I can get the S IV there.

  6. Welp, US Airways and American Airlines are finally merging. I'm going to call this a good thing. http://t.co/UgcrHzfy

  7. (by which I mean the nightly browser, not the rendering engine)

  8. So, Presto is going away...Opera will be switching its browsers to WebKit.

  9. Never mind...my brain hurts again. Though insisting on an MVC makes it hurt less. And yes, there will be a V layer for pure JSON response.

  10. The issue with 1080p screens on phones? You have to rely on (screen and not handheld) to keep desktop CSS off a

  11. ...is the moment you move that code (after re-handcrafting) to somewhere outside where the editor's grubby paws can reach.

  12. The moment when you realize that some CMS editor turned your carefully handcrafted markup into a steaming pile of crap.

  13. I seriously need to look into Laravel. Seems like a nice framework.

  14. Spent too much time customizing a Bootstrap carousel. But dang...it looks good, IMO. May go to the production site tomorrow.

  15. Yo Tweeps: what's a good JS carousel/slideshow with fully custom divs, a transparent or static background and fade (not slide) transitions?

  16. Can anyone with a Nexus 4 tell me how to determine which band it's using for HSPA+? Can anyone tell me how to force PCS or AWS only for H+?

  17. ZOMGNEXUS4!!!1!Okay, now to open the package.

  18. Fact: if people talk about a commercial, it worked. Any press is good press. Now find yourself a decent domain registrar/web host.

  19. So now the default Comcast tier is 20-24 Mbps down, 4 Mbps up. It's also close to $70/mo including modem rental, but at least it's fast.

  20. Did anyone else immediately think "The Impossible Astronaut...Doctor Who!" when you saw the Axe #sb47 ad?

  21. Hey DarkScorpionPC / Anton Deimos...no, just no. You may not have my @Origin_EA account.

  22. Guess I can't whine too much (no ID theft, and pretty darned stirling credit score), but still...a hard pull for a DSL line?!?

  23. As expected, TWC has issues. Routing issues. SSH tunnel through SoftLayer -> super-fast YouTube buffering from the get-go. Geez, guys...

  24. T-Mobile LTE in KC is getting faster: 13.7/8.2 now. Gotta love base station optimization. Still a ways to go before maxing out 5x5 LTE tho.

  25. Tethered from my iPad (third gen) to my iMac via WiFi in NW Austin: http://t.co/L82MH32U

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