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Status Updates posted by iansltx

  1. Just swapped my SIM for a microSIM, and am now enjoying cheap, fast data on T-Mobile's newly reframed PCS HSPA net in Austin. Well done...

  2. Gogo inflight WiFi seems faster than the last time I used it. Maybe because it's a little more expensive...but I'm okay with that.

  3. Belkin bought Linksys. Guess I'm not getting Linksys gear any time soon...or has Belkin stopped being completely crappy at wireless routers?

  4. Twitter's Vine is obviously a play to capture the enormous, underserved, animated GIF source material market.

  5. Heck, if Siri was Verizon-exclusive on Android...with the extra features...my iPad wouldn't be my only VZW device.

  6. Looking forward to having the Stopwatch out on its own: http://t.co/ICOj1bE9

  7. Fun fact: there's apparently a 2090 ELO LoL player who goes to Texas A&M: Anarii.

  8. Argh, was about to book my flight for @SunshinePHP and saw that prices just went up by 75%. Maybe next year :/

  9. A quick, easy, well-done video about Dependency Injection in PHP: http://t.co/8YaOU3eM

  10. The first Austin Web Developer Lunch of 2013 was quite excellent. Looking forward to the next one.

  11. Just used eval() in JS. Not ashamed; no other way to run a function with full context (not just "this").

  12. Dangit, missed a meetup where the topic was WebRTC. Guess I'll have to research it on my own. Really cool concept.

  13. RT or answer: what is the default browser type/version at your public library? Where is that library? My guess: mostly MSIE 8 or 9.

  14. 23andme kit ordered. Should be interesting.

  15. An in-depth look at PHP's == operator: http://t.co/DVQmG401

  16. Despite Mountain Lion's aggressive power management, my iMac has stayed awake for over a week straight. caffeinate ftw.

  17. An interesting depiction of the contrast btwn OOP and procedural programming, cast as a contrast btwn OOP & functiona:l http://t.co/ecgHbJmC

  18. Welcome to 2013, America/Chicago!

  19. Aww, heck. Happy 2013 Everyone! Go forth and do sweet stuff.

  20. Is anyone else highly annoyed by the use of web views (vs. link-outs to the default browser) in iOS Twitter, Facebook, GMail, etc.? >:-(

  21. Sitting in the hotel lobby reading http://t.co/UhKi61XM wiki entries. Seems like a good way to end the evening.

  22. Merry Christmas, y'all. Hope it's been good. For those working today, I'm sorry. For those working today at this hotel, thank you.

  23. Austin Time Warner Cable customers on a Standard Internet plan: reboot your modem. TWC has reprovisioned your tier from 10/1 to 15/1 (Mbps).

  24. PSA: FlowPlayer embeds (from the embed code) don't work right in IE8. Fortunately, much of the world has moved on.

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