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Status Updates posted by iansltx

  1. I kinda want a Knox JBOD unit now...except I have no idea why I'd need 90TB of storage, even if it's in only 2U.

  2. I love havying a mobile browser that hits 100 on Acid3.

  3. My SGSIII 32GB is *finally* on a UPS truck, headed for my apartment. Me, excited? Nah...

  4. Speaking of spectrum swaps, let all of 'em go through. Then everyone won't have an excuse to not build their networks :P

  5. While I'm talking about Comcast, I might as well note that I approve of their bundling of Norton Security Suite w/internet service.

  6. Now that AT&T is planning on doing LTE in WCS, I think Sprint should swap some of its WCS for AT&T PCS... http://t.co/3eQDcTk5

  7. I really want to play around with the LG Optimus Elite for a day or two. Seems like a very worthy Optimus S successor.

  8. I really want to test out the keyboard on the new Vizio computers.

  9. 'cuz the last thing you want is a computer breaking on you, or taking forever to render that B-E-A-utiful SolidWorks model :P

  10. Netgear is coming out with a 24x8, 802.11ac cable gateway. I want one...and a 500/100 connection to go with it. TWC/Grande, you listening?

  11. Mountain Lion will be a $20 update. I think I can swing that. Heck of a lot better than $100+ for Win8 :P

  12. Seriously, it's higher-resolution than any standard consumer display...it's hard to come by a 3200x2400 screen.

  13. Factoid: I get most of my news from Twitter. It's also the first place I look when researching breaking news, e.g. the High Park fire.

  14. On Smokeping, it's really easy to tell between my cable connection and my parents' DSL. Cable is variant. DSL is a straight line.

  15. By contrast, my four bonded downstream channels have ~172 Mbps of raw capacity. Plenty enough to overprovision my 50M line :)

  16. Yep, that's a tornado siren I'm hearing here in Golden #cowx

  17. $45 early upgrade charge paid. $250-plus-tax 32GB blue @Sprint Galaxy SIII bought. Cheapie SERO-P plan maintained #win #LTE @Sprint4Grollout

  18. Yay, my regional jet sized roller bag fit (wheels out). Onward...

  19. So, Amazonis building something big in Texas. If it's a distribution plant, my bet is that Prime sales in-State arrive in one day, always.

  20. In other news, disallowing data packages on non-monthly GoPhone plans is inexplicable. And annoying. More annoying than being limited 2 GPRS

  21. Fun fact: you can still get dry-line VZ DSL. You just have to get a business package...which has a $150 setup fee. Plus $$$ for modem/router

  22. Just played with the latest ChromiumOS Hexxeh/Vanilla build. Cool stuff going on there. Maybe I'll get a Chromebox.

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