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Status Updates posted by iansltx

  1. You know you're living life on the edge when your DSL modem, with an attenuation of 62.0 on the downstream, has a downstream SNR of 4.5 db!

  2. Anyone know whether any San Antonio or Austin Apple Store still stocks the (older) Mac Mini external AC adapter?

  3. Related: a bit over 67% of KCMO fiberhoods have met their goals. KC, Kansas is a bit over 75%.

  4. The dystopia in the first part of the @Vizio PC commercial reminds me of Equilibrium. Well done, guys.

  5. Someone, let me know when FCC's Spectrum Dashboard is back online again. Wonder if they're editing licensee names due to VZW-SpectrumCo.

  6. So if you're open six days a week and clear $400 per day in

  7. Trying to figure out EBS license areas. My head hurts. They were obviously created back when analog TV was the only use case...

  8. Spent the day hunting down semi-wild Clear 4G in Austin and Kerrville. Yes, I said Kerrville. Got your attention now? :)

  9. In case you haven't noticed, I intensely dislike consumer hardware that is the bottleneck in a network.

  10. So, uh, if LBOs/private equity is so bad, why hasn't our current president + congress tried to outlaw it, vs. using as a campaign point?

  11. Watching the livestream of #harvestamerica at Hyde Park Baptist Church You can join at http://t.co/lpbnmlfx

  12. Something that would sell more than it should: pearl snap shirt with camels on each button. aka Perl Snaps. You may groan now.

  13. This, from someone who has purchased, over the past five years, maybe $4800 in Apple gear.

  14. Funny how it wasn't long ago when Facebook moved to HTML5 as the base for its mobile apps, for easy update-ability. Now they're back native.

  15. Factoid: MS's '87-'12 logo has stuck around longer than all its other logos...combined. A momentous change indeed.

  16. Sad: VRAD nearby but limited to 3M DSL. Also, LTE uplink is faster than my top-of-the-line cable 'net package.

  17. Then again, surfing the web at the Princess near Denali National Park is kinda missing the point. Uploading photos? Not missing the point.

  18. Not that I'll be spending a ton of time around here or anything...too much to do.

  19. About to board my longest ever flight. which isn't saying much...only 5.5 hours DEN-FAI

  20. Funny: Asian companies building whole marketing campaigns around "Actually, *this* is how you pronounce our name..."

  21. Maybe it's just me, but why isn't this a part of PHP (that I know of)? http://t.co/MpVY6x5K

  22. On the other hand, maybe Republic Wireless will have Defys available by 6 weeks from now...wait, who am I kidding?

  23. Interesting comment on Google Fiber: STBs will be $80...one time...no monthly fees! http://t.co/FPGEX5jr via @GigaOM

  24. That said, it's not leaps and bounds above what GMail offers, and I use an Android phone. GUess which mail provider I'm sticking with...

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