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Status Updates posted by iansltx

  1. Read Notebookreview's @lenovo T430 review. Energizer wants their bunny back. 15 hours with an i5 inside...wow.

  2. Unclosed braces and passing objects when I should be passing strings will be the death of me.

  3. Verizon has EvDO at my parents' place outside Fredericksburg, TX. @Sprint has that...and something better: http://t.co/rlPWUvz3Y3

  4. TIL the easiest way to set up an NFS server on Windows is to scrap setting up an NFS server and use SMB/CIFS instead.

  5. Tempted to name my Envy X2 "Ians-MS-Surface-Pro" or something of that ilk. Just to troll, particularly since my battery life is much better.

  6. A silver lining of the recent DSL price increase: my parents' Verizon line will now sync as fast it possibly can: ~1.75M down, ~620K up.

  7. Anyone know where to get a high quality replacement battery for a MB881LL/A (Early 2009) MacBook?

  8. Best trivia team name: Cool hand Luke Skywalker Texas Ranger

  9. Anyone know whether the Chromebook Pixel LTE edition has AWS LTE support?

  10. Search on YouTube for "do the harlem shake". JavaScript can be fun at times.

  11. Assuming of course that video performance is such that I can push my 2560x1440 screen at full FPS on ultra high settings just like on Win8.

  12. So, BitBucket is pretty cool. A good match for a small organization with a bunch of rather quiet client repos.

  13. CamelCaps in XML. Who does that? :/

  14. This is how Sprint LTE should always be. Snapshot taken at Rudy's. http://t.co/U143NS0XiO

  15. YouTube slow? Block some IPs and watch it speed back up: http://t.co/q8sGzT6qwg


    #AustinWind. Yeah, that's pretty much it. Haven't had any power issues here...yet (fingers crossed).

  17. With all that in mind, I don't regret switching my family to @tingftw, but I do wish data rates were a bit lower; 2¢/MB is rather high.

  18. Just installed @swayfm. Now my @Rhapsody tab can be controlled with my keyboard media keys...which makes me happy.

  19. My thoughts on the Note 8.0: Go home, Samsung. You're drunk. Then again, I don't like phablets in general...the SIII's size is a stretch 4me

  20. A corollary of my last tweet: IE's lack of SNI support in XP is directly contributing to IPv4 exhaustion. As if IE

  21. This extension of PHP would be AMAZING: https://t.co/zrk3eNPNod

  22. For the moment, I want a machine with local computing power. However I could conceivably build my own apps for this to do what I need it to.

  23. Signs I'm insane: "This string operation would totally be worth implementing in C and linking into PHP from a performance perspective."

  24. LG introduces the Optimus F5, the latest refresh of its midrange smartphone line.

  25. Teaching a class on CSS in ~2:15 h:mm. Should be pretty fun.

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