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Status Updates posted by iansltx

  1. ...and the herd of elePHPhants grows! Happy to support @PHPWomen. http://t.co/2MkoT0fXTH

  2. The Weissman score...it's going to actually be a thing: http://t.co/jOmZ1GlUNH

  3. RT @freebsdgirl: A prgrmr started to cussBecause getting to sleep was a fussAs she lay there in bedLooping round in her headwas: while(…

  4. RT @kaepora: HPAAS: Hating PHP As A Service

  5. RT @SaraMG: Voting Opens on fixing session user handler return values: https://t.co/fyRI2rvQZy #php #rfc

  6. So, cheap Chromebooks. This is a pretty good one (I have the higher-end, 4GB, 3G-enabled version): http://t.co/XFd88ZZ7Mc

  7. Ubuntu 14.04 is out. Linode is now much more awesome. Sorta make sup for the fact that the amount of work I've got to do is terrifying.

  8. Looking forward to getting the Spark-enabling update for my Nexus 5. Feels like when I got the GPS + EvDO Rev A update for my HTC Mogul :)

  9. Web UI is very similar to the Zing though. That is to say, pretty solid.

  10. Dev/devops tweeps: would y'all use a simple delayed-job-as-a-service? Not talking about a standard instant-exec job queue here.

  11. RSRP:-84 , RSRQ:-16, SNR:29, RSSI: -59 dBm. Yeah, my parents' fixed LTE connection, despite using an indoor modem, is rock solid.

  12. RT @pmarca: Great rundown of our portfolio company Actifio - Ash Ashutosh is building a great company in Boston! http://t.co/kwJUGhU1c9

  13. Instead of holding customers hostage, ISPs should allow more people to be awesome at their jobs, like this guy: http://t.co/54jIlyGEr8

  14. RT @WSJ: Box's accumulated losses as of Jan. 31: $361 million. It is seeking to raise up to $250 million in an IPO. http://t.co/hantV7BdF0

  15. RT @ramsey: In light of all the HHVM buzz, it’s interesting to see this PHP compiler project for the JVM. https://t.co/MnWiMewhfp /via @Pie

  16. I have a kinda cool method for introspecting small CMS-driven sites. It's called grep the SQL dump. 60% of the time it works every time.

  17. (vs. what I have now: $5/yr for +20GB).

  18. TMo now joins the ranks of VZW for carriers whose first-gen LTE phones could've been compatible with this tech, but decided not to be.

  19. RT @Jason: About that $1m baby @aol -- sort of everything insurance is about http://t.co/tNkBf7xIXd

  20. RT @CaseySoftware: Learning about @Apigility courtesy of @mwop.. looks like an interesting tool to speed API development #phpbnl14

  21. RT @ryan: This thoughtful boarding pass design system makes WAY too much sense & thus will never be mined for ideas by the FAA: http://t.co…

  22. RT @kevinmitnick: McAfee:"I am now everlastingly grateful to Intel for freeing me from this terrible association with the worst software o…

  23. RT @preinheimer: There’s Black Friday deals on laptops today, some only have 2GB of ram. Friends don’t let friends buy machines with 2GB of…

  24. RT @sh130toll: ONE WEEK until #F1 weekend in #Austin! RT if you'll be headed out to @circuitamericas for the U.S. Grand Prix! http://t.co/c…

  25. RT @dstorey: What is wrong with this picture? http://t.co/PLwEobES5r

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