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Posts posted by danlodish345

  1. On 6/24/2017 at 11:24 AM, Tengen31 said:

    I didn't say B2 should go away. Devices should have both. But too include The G block in any channel wideing will require B25. TMobile Galaxy S8 has both bands.


    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    Well also think that Sprint has ties to a Chinese phone manufacturer so the deal is going to really be scrutinized very carefully. If they aren't willing to make a sacrifice with the phone manufacturer then the government may put the kibosh on the deal.

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  2. My towns have appeared to regress...

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    East Brunswick New Jersey with in terms to Sprint band 41 coverage along the main Highway has improved. But off the main highway there has been a marginal if not any Improvement. I really just wish you would come in and put up a new cell site in there by even for Verizon it's hard to reach including T-Mobile and AT & T. So there's a lack of density for all the carriers.

    Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using Tapatalk

  3. 7 hours ago, RedSpark said:

    I certainly hope they haven’t stopped and I’m glad to see they haven’t. The issue is the disconnect between what Marcelo said in September 2015 (http://money.cnn.com/2015/09/18/technology/sprint-network/index.html) and where the Network is currently tracking as far as Band 41 deployment on Macro Sites goes (http://newsroom.sprint.com/triband-upgrades.htm). If Sprint was truly making “meaningful” investments since Marcelo said “leapfrog” in September 2015, wouldn’t Sprint be much further along than 60% by now? Wouldn’t they need to be if they wanted to deliver on his Network promises?

    The 60% figure is as of a June 5, 2018 Blog Post, so perhaps it’s a little higher by now as you said. Sprint says it will have Band 41 on a “substantial majority” of its Macro Sites by end of Fiscal 2018, and that’s April/May 2019. We don’t know what that amounts to though and there’s no mention of when 100% will be achieved.

    As you said, the work continues... hopefully ahead of schedule.

    what about improvements to overall network expansion and improvement within their foot print? i m waiting to see if that happens...sprint would be a better option for me if they improved over all coverage inside my town...still roaming holes and pockets of no service....sprint has improved band 41 coverage on the main high way but overage network coverage off the main highway leaves alot to be desired..

    • Like 4
  4. Of course he knew. Ultimately Dan Hesse truly had  a vision for Sprint. Him and Masa had two different visions so which is why he stepped down (or forced out).
    I really want this merger to go through so Sprint customers can stop suffering from poor leadership. 
    Ive been with T-Mobile for almost a month now and I love it.
    I have had T-Mobile and they have definitely improve service in my town. They have actually deployed 4 X4 Mimo on the flagpole site so speeds are tremendously better as is the reception. Sprint still gets One X and no LTE service at my parents place. So I'd rather see Sprint taking over in this case to improve service for everybody else in the area that has those two carriers.

    Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using Tapatalk

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  5. DC has a way to go. Performance is inconsistent across the region.
    Downtown DC desperately needs Massive MIMO.
    Marcelo painted a very different picture back in 2015 of where the network would be: http://money.cnn.com/2015/09/18/technology/sprint-network/index.html
    It didn’t pan out. Not even close.
    New Jersey has a long way to go. In terms of overall coverage improvements.

    Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using Tapatalk

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  6. I kinda understand why a lot of people are pessimistic and I have always been an optimist when it comes to Sprint. NYC has awesome B41 density, add the massive amount of small cells, my logs prove that Sprint was successful in densifying here. Outside of cities, not so much.
    Yeah that's what years ago I developed the mentality of I'll believe it when I see it. Because it's been all talk and no game in some cases obviously there's been a lot of improvements another areas but still overall coverage is still kind of weak especially in Suburban areas especially where I live and I even talk to the CTO and there has been a serious lack of improvement in my area there's an improvement in speed but the speeds no good unless you have the actual broad coverage needed to support it I understand it cost money but instead of spending billions upon stupid advertising gimmicks they could have pumped a lot more money into the network and then they would not be in this situation.

    Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using Tapatalk

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  7. This goes back to what I said before, Masa was running the show, I truly believe Marcelo wanted to accomplish all these things before Masa put the brakes on it, and reality set in, especially easier since he had Marcelo take the public scrutiny for him.
    I'm so curious to see what happens. Obviously it's going to take a year before they make any decision on the merger.

    Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using Tapatalk

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  8. 20 minutes ago, SturgeonGeneral said:

    I was beginning to wonder if we were ever going to see another one.

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

    man samsung has been slacking and lost my trust...i have the essential phone and it gets all its updates on time

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  9. I just don't want to be on t-mobile's network. If I go too deep it would go way off topic. If all big three are evil and no little guy to hope to for. I might as well go to the one that works the most in my house even though I only use wifi at home.
    I'm on AT&T prepaid. Not too happy with the phone I have by that works. I did give Sprint a try for a day my friend graciously let me borrow her phone for a day and I haven't seen any Improvement at all in the area where my parents live so I can't say Sprint works for me.

    Sent from my LG-H700 using Tapatalk

  10. 12 hours ago, derrph said:

    I’m not going to drag out something that was posted at 7am. I’ll post this and leave it at that. My post was in response to Kg4icg and him saying he wonder what people are smoking and that being on Sprint is in a way like being on boost. Also That there’s no need to go from one end to another and the difference is little to none. His comment was in response to yours about getting your S9 on boost with the assumption I guess you already had Sprint(saw after my comment was posted). His comment came off as if his city is not the best with Sprint and or Boast and that you’re wasting your money. That’s why I posted what I did.  

    Im really not down for a debate and how I’ve gotten a few responses about my comment being uncalled for mean. I personally don’t think so. I think referring to drug use is uncalled for but outside of that, I’ve seen way worse comments get posted on here that gets handled by the admins.   

    Yes I have had spring before. I really just want to know if they have improve their coverage. Because I’d like to switch back to Sprint and I have a very capable galaxy S9 plus so I really like to see what has happened in terms of improvements in my area.

  11. 12 hours ago, derrph said:

    It sounds like your area is trash based on your post. Besides all that, it’s his money so who really cares. 

     Dude that’s really uncalled for. I’ve seen some improvements in the speed. But by looking at sprints coverage map I doubt the validity Of the actual data on sprints official coverage map. But there still no need to make comments like that. I don’t appreciate that. I’d love to see sprints coverage improve.

  12. 11 minutes ago, kg4icg said:

    Scratches head and wonders what people are smoking , you already on boost in a way being a sprint customer, nothing is going to change. So what's the point? Right now m sitting here with a LG G7. 

     I’m actually not a sprint customer at the moment. So I want to see what the phone can do. I don’t desire post paid anymore because it’s just too complicated. So I’m thinking of going prepaid.  Plus I want to see if the network has improved in terms of coverage and reliability. Coverage along the main highway in town is just fine but I want to see if it’s improved off the main road.

  13. I assume for battery longevity.

    Not anti sprint. But att and vzw I assume stay on LTE longer.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    That’s obvious :) and also I have an iPhone X on Xfinity mobile and I do notice that LTE connectivity is a little bit on the weaker side compared to my galaxy S9 plus

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  14. The rescan timer shouldn’t matter because it’s usually between two and a half to three and a half minutes  on iPhones (it varies with each update). ORNL should take care of the handoff much sooner than that...
    Maybe the ORNL was disabled or its transmit cycle was changed in your market or vendor region for some reason? In Seattle I’m still seeing my iPhone hop back onto LTE within 15-30 seconds or dropping to CDMA...

    Why is the scan times so long compared to an android phone?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  15. 17 hours ago, Johnner1999 said:



    Idk from my usage

    Going from no or poor service to LTE

    iPhone X — 45-90 seconds or longer
    Galaxy S8 — 5-10 seconds

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    isnt it true that iphones have worse recption compaired to androids?

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