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Posts posted by danlodish345

  1. 30 minutes ago, DurhamHusker said:

    One might think it could get really hard for customers on CDMA carriers not named Verizon when big red turns it off and those other guys are left with significantly less voice roaming coverage.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

    Verizon has already shut down any evdo coverage on a couple sites. Show their CDMA shutdown has begun.

  2. 35 minutes ago, dro1984 said:

    It's a cheap ploy to garner attention.    And ... at the cost of Sprint and T Mobile's merger.      Hopefully they will remember that and if the merger goes through, they roll Boost into Metro PCS and tell him "See ya!"   

    This whole thing is just a Garner attention to the brands that's all I see it is nothing more. As far as I see it TMobile needs to still improve their coverage in remote areas of the US and rural areas as well. Beyond that Sprint has obviously has special licenses throughout the country but a lot of it has not been used due to them not expanding into new areas where they should have done. I still feel those crappy gimmicks and stupid advertisements instead that cash of gone into the network and Infused the network with cash in order to upgrade and expand coverage. It's been almost 6 years since they start Network Vision upgrades here and along the main Highway is amazing but if you go a mile or two away the coverage drops to almost Roaming.

  3. 2 hours ago, Paynefanbro said:

    Boost Founder Commits to Offer $9.95 Unlimited Data Plan for Prepaid Fixed Wireless Broadband Customers and Will Rollout 4G Fixed Broadband Network in Select Low Income Areas if Government Conditions T-Mobile/Sprint Merger to Divest 60 MHz in 2.5 GHz Band


    That's all nice and what not but it's dependent if the merge happens.

  4. 2 minutes ago, greenbastard said:

    It's not about pushing coverage through B26. It's about densifying and making sure you have enough access points that UEs can reach.

    The main problem with VoLTE will be existing devices not reaching cell towers. Sprint is notorious for having places where you can get a decent signal and usable DL speeds, but uploads fail (and this is not due to congestion). If you don't have a consistent uplink, VoLTE will fail even with QoS. I sure do hope VoLTE is an opt-in trial while we wait for the merger to close as the network today cannot sustain reliable VoLTE.

    Where I go to my parents most of the time LTE is not even available. Evdo is a joke in terms of speed and signal strength and 1X is also just about useless.. So one of the few things should happen if the merger doesn't go through Sprint better find a way to densify their Network across-the-board where they already have service. And or co locate with Verizon which has a majority of the cell sites in the area. Or the other option would be is to actually build their own sites because as it stands with Sprint in my town they wouldn't have even a reliable evdo and 1X Network so Sprint needs to really really densify the entirety of their network here or voice over LTE will be a joke.

  5. 38 minutes ago, Paynefanbro said:

    I feel like some people are reading things into this that aren't there. VoLTE is going to be opt-in and CDMA isn't going anywhere for a long time. All of the other 3 nationwide carriers still have some sort of legacy voice solution still available and they've had VoLTE launched for a while now.

    For those of you in areas where LTE isn't there yet, don't opt in. For those of us who are in areas where LTE site density is good enough, we'll have no issues. 

    well I still feel even though carriers here where I live need to densify. T-Mobile has the worst density of all of them.

  6. 3 hours ago, tyroned3222 said:

    I think for sprint to have a decent entry into volte .. they need to start pushing out CA band 25 + band 26.. to add capacity to each band and push coverage where density lacks

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

    I completely agree with you on that one. Coverage needs to be really improved before CDMA voice gets shut down. Density and coverage have to be improved upon as is quality and reliability. When those things can be improved upon within their own footprint and then expand upon it to where it needs to be expanded upon then that will be the right time to launch volte for the general consumer.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Johnner1999 said:



    Interesting as I don’t see how volte could be used currently... oh and welcome to the past ha.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    i m interested to see how volte with sprint will function on sprints network and at fringe coverage areas......obviously they will fix said issues first before doing a public network deployment.

  8. Just now, tybo31316 said:


    I understand that Sprint needs to expand. Shouldn’t Sprint concentrate on making their current markets the best that they can be first?


    yes they definitely should concentrate on where they currently have service. And improve the density and quality and eliminate roaming holes. Where I live in New Jersey this quite a few roaming holes and no LTE once you get off the main Highway. So Sprint has a lot of work to do in central New Jersey.

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  9. Just now, bigsnake49 said:

    I think the days of really cheap data plans with really generous data allowances are over. Sprint, T-Mobile and the Big 2 have all raised their prices. It was not a sustainable situation and it ended up hurting Sprint most of all because they had to compete on price which meant that they had no money to speak of for Capex.

    i hope sprint can keep up with them...i would like to see sprints network expand......and quality increase....obviously that will require money...i hope something good happens to sprint..   

  10. 1 hour ago, S4GRU said:

    You guys are funny.  When I was a teenager, there were no mainstream cell phones.  Only wealthy business people had them, they had awful coverage and came in a briefcase or large bag.  I got my first phone at 19, and no one I knew had one except for my boss.  I paid $75 a month for service and I paid by the minute for every call.  Inbound and outbound.  I even had to pay long distance charges on incoming phone calls if they were not local to the switch I was connected to.  About $1 per minute.  Boy, have times changed!


    That was many moons ago 

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