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Posts posted by danlodish345

  1. 3 minutes ago, twospirits said:

    I'm curious how this merger will affect Google's Project Fi? Aside from US Cellular, that service relies on T-Mobile and Sprint networks to work.  Probably won't, but I can't help to feel that it might.

    On a side note, will Paul (can you hear me now) now start making videos with T-Mobile. lol

    You know one of the things for me that's a deal-breaker is losing the unlimited tethering I have on my phone.

  2. 1 minute ago, Mr.Nuke said:

    Much like the job creation claims we'll see how this actually works (if it does it all). At the very least, things aren't going to continue as "planned." It is highly likely that even if Sprint continues with their original capex spending guidance, that what they end up doing is going to be in large part dictated by the merger i.e. any work would be on sites green-lit as surviving post merger. Because...

    First of all this makes sense as it ultimately saves T-Mobile a bit of roaming expenses on Sprint's behalf if the merger goes through. That said, this as essentially the break-up fee fee screams to me as an acknowledgement that Sprint's network plans this year would've been different had the company not been involved in the merger process. "We'll let you roam where you need to with us for several years" while you recover and ramp up your own network spending.

    Well roaming deal with T-Mobile would definitely increase coverage for T-Mobile in areas where their network is spotty.

  3. 26 minutes ago, Paynefanbro said:

    I have zero doubts about that. The whole video/press release/website is an elaborate ruse made for the DOJ and FCC to calm some of their fears about the merger. 

    The argument about MVNO's becoming the new competition is shaky right now but I could see a market like Canada's where cable-co's build out their own networks in their service areas and rely on reduced roaming fees to provide a nationwide network for their users to access. The only carriers that have more customers than Xfinity Mobile right now are C-Spire, U.S. Cellular, and the big 4. That's a big deal.

    Well the one thing all the other carriers don't have that T-Mobile does have is unlimited LTE tethering for the phone at unlimited full-speed all the time. I have T-Mobile so yeah if I lose unlimited tethering that's going to be a deal-breaker for me.

  4. 13 hours ago, IamMrFamous07 said:

    That's true.  Tmobile has a better reputation between the two brands. I wonder who will be CTO, between John Saw or Neville Ray. I'm 99.9% sure Legere will be CEO ( sorry but I don't want Marcelo as CEO).

    I can see them getting rid of boost mobile since both Boost and Metro PCS target the same demographic. 

    T-Mobile also has a better reputation of executing Network related things. I know Mister Neville Has a lot to do behind it. I would be sad to see Sprint go but if the merger is needed in order to keep Sprint alive I'm all for it. I love to see Sprint compete on its own but at this point it's not a viable option anymore.

  5. 8 hours ago, BlueAngel said:

    Glad I'm not the only one, I've heard of bad battery life on the exynos version but not the snapdragon 845 version, I don't understand it usage hasn't changed from the S8+ but battery life is down a good 20% on average. Granted my phone lasts me all day but I'm getting home from work with 50% whereas on the 8+ I would be in the 70-75% range.

    My phone only lasts a couple of hours. It's pretty sad actually

  6. 1 hour ago, optimummind said:

    I'm getting the exact same battery life that I got on my Galaxy S8+.  Same apps, same settings, and same usage patterns.  

    I turned off AOD and it resulted in big battery savings.

    I am having battery issues even with screen off and the AOD turned off

  7. 2 minutes ago, Arysyn said:

    That is what I'm figuring it might be, but I'm not sure. I have the Microsoft Lumia 950xl, which when I bought it there were still some small chance of better support from Microsoft than what there is now. Thankfully I got it at a great price brand new around $300 from B&H, which at the time was well worth it. Now I'm not so sure its even worth $200. The Honor 7x at $200 probably is a better deal actually.

    Well get a phone that is band 12 capable

  8. 1 hour ago, Arysyn said:

    T-Mobile has become better around here since the initial introduction of BingeOn and the all-unlimited plans. However still not excellent quite yet. I've had some issues at an outdoor mall I've gone to a few times recently, but I'm not sure its necessarily the network. I definitely need a new phone - waiting for the Sony XZ2 Premium, so it may be the limitations of the Microsoft Lumia 950xl I'm still using, grudgingly.

    Well what phone do you have? If it doesn't support the latest LTE bands then you're obviously going to suffer.

  9. 8 hours ago, bigsnake49 said:

    Wake me up when they actually finish something. When they're not waiting for...Godot...I mean to get merged. Wake me up when they actually deploy triband on all their sites. Wake me up when they implement 4x4 MIMO, 256QAM and 3CA on all their sites. Wake me up when they stop roaming in suburban and exurban areas and get control of their roaming costs. Wake me up when they actually execute. For me, it is the execution part that makes this merger attractive. I just want them to actually execute and they can only do it under competent leadership. I want them out of the hands of Softbank.

    i agree with what your saying...i dont wish to see sprint leave...but with current patterns and the way the network is...i actually only believe the results only when i see them right in front of me. sprints network here speed wise has improved... i will admit that but their lte coverage here is still horribly inconsistent and spotty...so when i can get lte off the main highway and use the service with minimal issues then i will come back to sprint.

  10. 1 hour ago, utiz4321 said:

    A 39 billion dollar investment that brings with it, 120 mhz of spectrum, 50 million subs, 50,000 towers, operation cost savings of 2 billion a year, increased market power, ECT..  probably has a much higher ROI than 3.8 billion to compete over 20 million subs. In fact, I would imagine alot higher. 

    You cant simply look at the cost side and not the benefit side to see if an investment makes sense. 

    The sprint/t-mobile merger gives the new company all the same advantages without the vast increase in market power. Given the billions and billions of investment that 5g will require I think it is going to happen at some point. 

    i honestly feel that after the US probe into all four carriers.....the merger is likely to happen.

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