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Posts posted by danlodish345

  1. I would rather have them offer to sell you more - - at the highest rates they pay plus a percentage. Else allow you to rollover some - this way you would have some saved up for vacations.  Educating users about navigation systems with local or saved maps would also help reduce roaming overall.
    That's a good model to... because the carrier won't lose a ton of money and the user is forced to pay It...

    Sent from my SM-N960U1 using Tapatalk

  2. This is the reason that I think Sprint has been forced to move forward with VoLTE even though I don't know that the network coverage is really there - without it they won't be able to ensure voice outside of their paltry LTE coverage area because CDMA roaming will be unavailable. They have to build out the IMS backend and get it set up so they're ready. VoLTE roaming should work on T-Mobile.
    Well I can definitely tell you hear that T-Mobile's LTE coverage makes Sprint look like a pipsqueak in terms of coverage and overall consistency with coverage speed reliability and quality. But along the main highways Sprint is just fine. If Sprint has any hope of competing even against T-Mobile they need to really bolster their coverage.

    Sent from my SM-N960U1 using Tapatalk

  3. According to Verizon Enterprise, they will no longer support non-LTE devices after 12/31/19, period. AT&T shut down GSM over a year ago, there's no reason Verizon won't do the same with CDMA. 
    The only question I figure is what is going to happen to Sprint customers when Verizon shuts down CDMA altogether. I think they may try to Kabul some type of Lte roaming agreement but I don't know.

    Sent from my SM-N960U1 using Tapatalk

  4. No real reason to get rid of voice for a few years.  They could just leave a sliver of 1x CDMA in a 1900mhz guard band and the part that already exists in 800mhz.  That would satisfy any legacy M2M customers.  They may even pick up the CDMA M2M customers that are currently on Verizon when they shut theirs down if their devices are capable of using the Sprint band classes.
    If I'm not mistaken most of them are capable of using the Bands Sprint uses?

    Sent from my SM-N960U1 using Tapatalk

  5. That’ll be some ish if they did pass them up. According to that doc that was posted a few posts ago, Sprints average was 23.8. Wow the wonders of investing in the network lol. They’ve had a huge speed spike in such a short time. Whats crazy is still have PLENTY room to grow their speeds. However, I feel like T-Mobile is starting to hit their ceiling on average speeds. 
    My personal best with Sprint.10e8d078e73980db01a78f52016aba19.jpg

    Sent from my SM-N960U1 using Tapatalk

    • Like 4
  6. 2 hours ago, ingenium said:
    Found a ton of the strand mounts from the Altice partnership in your market. They're everywhere around Saddle River.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk


    The tower near me which is a very big multi-carrier tower finally went from 5 megahertz up to 10 secondary carrier178ebe1c0a3b9deec56f99b85e45a891.jpg

    Sent from my SM-N960U1 using Tapatalk

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