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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. I practically guarantee that was a phone RF or setting issue, not a USCC benefit. USCC has no native coverage in Wyoming, and Sprint has very little. But Sprint at the time had roaming agreements with both VZW and Alltel. AJ
  2. Maybe we should age like Orkans instead. AJ
  3. No, Jesus is about 2000 years old. AJ
  4. No, FCC call signs, not SIDs. The FCC stopped regulating Cellular 850 MHz SIDs several years ago, and it has never linked PCS 1900 MHz SIDs with licenses. That has always been left to the market. AJ
  5. T-Mobile benefitted from being about three years later to the party than VZW and Sprint. T-Mobile looked really shabby 2005-2008, as VZW and Sprint quickly rolled out EV-DO, AT&T more slowly deployed W-CDMA. Meanwhile, T-Mobile had nothing but GSM. That said, wireless data had not become the cause célèbre that it has today, so it bought T-Mobile some time to retool and survive. As for Sprint, it hitched its wagon to Clearwire, which did obtain advanced backhaul for its high frequency, high density sites. And high frequency, high density sites are the way of the future. Sprint and Clearwire were ahead of the curve. But that has been a problem for Sprint -- it has been so proactive (e.g. Nextel merger, Clearwire WiMAX) that it has often gotten out over its skis and lacked the balance to recover gracefully. But no one who knows what he/she is talking about can fault Sprint for not trying. AJ
  6. To win Dan back, you need to fly to Overland Park and serenade him... AJ
  7. Robert has said the idea probably will not work, so I am having a little fun with it while it lasts. That said, some of our younger and non newspaper inclined members may need a frame of reference. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advice_column AJ
  8. Dear Robert... I think the admin of my biggest unauthorized enthusiast site is cheating on me with several other wireless operators. Should I kick him to the curb? Signed... Dan in OP AJ
  9. Dear Robert... My stepmother constantly berates me. I know my dad loves me, but he lets it happen. What should I do? Signed... Konfused in Kansas AJ
  10. Yeah, here is the direct link to T4GRU.com. AJ
  11. Oh, we will not delete it. But the thread might go into hiding from non staff members. So, take that as an admonition to behave. AJ
  12. I am not sure when the chipset consolidation took place, but if you have almost any Sprint LTE handset (Galaxy Nexus, get lost), GPS is definitely on board the 28 nm process Qualcomm baseband. So, as it is not a separate chipset, there is little to be gained from disabling GPS -- unless you are shutting down the cellular baseband entirely. AJ
  13. I feel your pain. I work with a great many students who get confused by negative numbers. What I do is show them a number line. Any value to the left is smaller. Any value to the right is larger. If they have any potential, they must understand that exceedingly simple relationship. AJ
  14. Well, I must have missed the evolution of this thread while I was traveling over the past few days. Yes, I can be a bit prickly at times. Robert calls me a "direct communicator" -- that is probably an apt description. I tell the truth. I tell it like I see it. And I will not apologize for that. But I do apologize if I hurt feelings in a few of my posts. I can be too blunt sometimes. As for a "spectrum crunch," it is mostly manufactured, though there is some truth to it. Imagine if gas were not an issue so that we all went around cruising and joyriding in our cars every waking hour. Roads and highways would be clogged by trivial transit. Much smartphone usage follows the same model. AJ
  15. When you surf the Net in the bathroom, do you put the tinfoil on your head or "down below"? AJ
  16. If so, Yuma had to go straight from GSM to LTE -- a first? And T-Mobile's *new* maps this summer do not even reflect that change. Along those lines, every wireless operator is worthy of some legitimate criticism. The idea that any wireless operator, its CEO, or its CTO is a "rock star" is ludicrous. AJ
  17. Nikita Khrushchev bangs his shoe on the desk in approval. AJ
  18. If T-Mobile truly has 52,000 macro sites to Sprint's 39,000 macro sites, then T-Mobile almost has to be in a Sprint Nextel like situation -- thousands of redundant 2G GSM only sites. If so, that could be a similar financial albatross around T-Mobile's neck. I hope so, as based on Legere's and Ray's juvenile statements of late, I want to see T-Mobile experience some pain. AJ
  19. My primary point is that some of you need to know how to refer correctly to high and low when addressing negative numbers. AJ
  20. Yeah, that is too bad. I even came across a video on how to order properly at Flav's Chicken & Ribs... AJ
  21. If that is the *highest* RSRP, then you must be located away from any LTE site in a very weak signal area. AJ
  22. Well, T-Mobile has deployed W-CDMA in some odd rural locations where Sprint has no native coverage. To give you two examples that are relevant to Robert and myself, take a look at northeastern Kansas and eastern New Mexico. So, add up those kinds of W-CDMA sites across the country, probably a few hundred. Then, subtract them from the total, as they do not really matter regarding site density. Also, John Legere and Neville Ray can stick a sock in it with their lampooning of Sprint's scattered, sometimes smaller market Network Vision deployment sequence. Sprint is going to finish its entire network with LTE. Meanwhile, T-Mobile is just throwing darts at the map with W-CDMA. T-Mobile has W-CDMA deployed in the likes of tiny Roy, NM, but it still has only GSM in Fort Smith, AR; Saginaw, MI; Yuma, AZ; etc. Give me a freaking break. AJ
  23. But no one has definitively shown that T-Mobile generally has higher macrosite density than Sprint does. In fact, Robert and I have both observed in our markets that the reverse is the case. And what I did by presenting that list was offer a possible explanation for why T-Mobile and Sprint could have similar macrosite densities but Sprint could have significantly greater covered POPs: T-Mobile is missing millions of POPs in secondary markets. AJ
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