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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. I have been hunting CDMA1X 800 live sites and, thus far, have already bagged about a dozen of them. AJ
  2. Oh, now you are just asking for another YouTube clip... AJ
  3. You do not want 60 dB gain. You probably do not even want 30 dB gain. For one, that could be illegal -- PCS 1900 MHz mobile transmitters are limited to 2 W (33 dBm) EIRP. And two, that much gain could cause undue interference with the network in the area. Honestly, this project has "bad idea" written all over it. And this is one of the reasons why wireless operators are seeking to have boosters more closely regulated, requiring users to obtain explicit permission from wireless licensees in order to use boosters. AJ
  4. Due to some of the recent (now hidden) posts in this thread, I want to address a public message to our community here. S4GRU staff work hundreds or thousands of unpaid hours. Sometimes, we need to amuse ourselves to make this worthwhile. If you have a problem with posts that make humorous references to pop culture and famous people, my retort is "Too bad." Alternatively, staff can just decide not to do this any longer, S4GRU can go away, and you can be left again back in the dark ages of technically sound Sprint info. AJ
  5. ...while you were switching your pole in your pocket? AJ
  6. The simultaneous transmission modes, hence transmission paths, are usually detailed under the SAR testing. AJ
  7. Separate antennas do not necessarily entail totally separate radio paths. The separate antennas could be on the same radio path with a pole switch in between. AJ
  8. "Calling Alaska" is one of the many great Jeff Lynne produced songs for ELO, George Harrison, Tom Petty, etc. Oh, wait, that is "Calling America." And Alaska is not really America. Alaska is where people with something to hide go to escape America. AJ
  9. If you do not appreciate the Angry Video Game Nerd, then gird yourself for me to go Angry Wireless Nerd on you. AJ
  10. You need to watch more than 40 seconds. Try the whole 16 minutes. Short attention span? Need some Ritalin? AJ
  11. In one of your pics or videos, I saw that the antenna port is 50 Ω. That is quite standard. So, nearly any directional antenna with the right frequency range should work. The minor issue is calibration, but I do not think that we are concerned with absolute amplitude accuracy. AJ
  12. You are being an ignorant consumer, caring only about the results that matter to you. We are not going to allow you to troll S4GRU with anecdotes about T-Mobile coverage on a little island thousands of miles away from the rest of us. You need to cut it out or take it elsewhere. Back in the real world, aka the mainland, Sprint is kicking T-Mobile's butt in the Kansas market. Sprint has LTE deployed across major highway corridors where T-Mobile -- even after seven years -- still has no W-CDMA. AJ
  13. What we really need is for our tri band hotspot users to keep posting their engineering screen EARFCNs. Robert did so in Denver, but he is practically the only one so far. AJ
  14. It is impossible to say for certain at that resolution, but my guess is the 20 MHz sweep in that range is picking up multiple WiMAX carriers. AJ
  15. Well, I am not being entirely sarcastic. If you want to pay to bring me to Fort Wayne, we could probably do it. One of my tutoring students just relocated back to Oklahoma City, and I made two 700 mile roundtrips to meet with him over the past week. So, I do not mind travel. AJ
  16. I have the authority to make CDMA1X 800 acceptance reports and have made plenty in my home state. So, if you want more CDMA1X 800 acceptance reports, all you need to do is pay me to come to your town because I have the spectrum analyzer, engineering screen know how, and S4GRU street cred. AJ
  17. ...a "shower" but probably not much of a "grower." AJ
  18. Robert is taking a cue from reclusive author J.D. Salinger... AJ
  19. Nope. Wireless technology is not magic. It cannot solve all problems, and there is no such thing as a free lunch. You were practically just out of diapers when I was in college and started using nascent wireless data services in the year 2000. Max speeds on IS-95 CSD were 14.4 kbps, but it was just as consistent and robust as voice. Now, we have data speeds 1000x that, but the price we pay is less coverage and a more fragile airlink. That is the tradeoff. AJ
  20. South Korea uses band 5 LTE 850. This variant will not be for sale here. It is just getting authorization for use here. AJ
  21. The numbers mean essentially nothing. They are all relative. But a less robust airlink is the price you pay for faster data rates. AJ
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