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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Like I said, one more non overlapping channel (channel 14) would not solve any unlicensed 2.4 GHz congestion problems. It would be like putting a band aid on a bayonet wound. AJ
  2. What good would that accomplish? Globalstar would want billions of dollars for the spectrum, and three additional unlicensed 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi channels, all of which overlap, would not solve any problems. AJ
  3. The FCC said "no" to AT&T. There is a difference. That S4GRU might say "no" to you, maximus, does not mean that S4GRU would say "no" to every member. AJ
  4. Maybe. But VZW does not have the same level of PCS holdings that the other big three do. New York City is really the exception in that regard with 40 MHz of PCS. In so many other markets, VZW has only a single 10 MHz PCS license. At best, that would buy VZW only an added 5 MHz FDD band 2 LTE 1900 carrier. What does that really gain? AJ
  5. No, I think it is the birds and the bees that tell you everything you need to know. AJ
  6. Ah, I see. So, like all of the rest of us, you possess a known, accurate RF test source? No, you are still missing the point. Calibration RF test sources are not found outside of labs. AJ
  7. No, I have read through that page previously. Nothing there indicates that sweep time is adjustable, nor have our users reporting from the field found a way to adjust it. AJ
  8. As an addendum, AT&T holds no paired Lower 700 MHz spectrum in CMA250. USCC holds both Lower 700 MHz B and C block licenses. The only Lower 700 MHz spectrum AT&T holds in Bloomington-Normal is the unpaired Lower 700 MHz D block. So, there is the definitive reason for 5 MHz FDD band 5 LTE 850. AJ
  9. Try this post. The market in question is Bloomington-Normal, IL. http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php/1757531-AT-amp-T-4G-LTE-Latest-markets-launching-and-speculation?p=15207974#post15207974 AJ
  10. Guys, I would not give this transaction with Commnet too much thought. It is just a partition and disaggregation. Sprint is assigning only 10 MHz while still retaining 20 MHz of its PCS A block 30 MHz licenses for itself. Sprint has done this time and again (e.g. Nex-Tech, Pioneer, etc.). AJ
  11. Every time I see Beef's username, I hear the music of Aaron Copland in my head. AJ
  12. TLPS does not seem to fit a macro network model. Not enough power. TLPS needs a site or access point every block. AJ
  13. Oh, so now you are throwing your phone? Yeah, you are getting reported. Your phones will be taken from you and placed in protective custody. AJ
  14. Robert is the "Sprint site whisperer." He hears inner voices that tell him when a site has gone live. AJ
  15. I doubt it. If the speculation were to come to fruition, the initial problem would be too few access points for decent coverage. Then, as the number of access points grew, self interference could become a problem. But Globalstar/Amazon would almost certainly use some self organizing network techniques to adjust power output per access point, even shut down unneeded TLPS on some access points in close proximity to others, since all access points would be under the control of one entity, unlike unlicensed Wi-Fi. For example, see digiblur and his "boomer" Wi-Fi. AJ
  16. Just do not tell a potential buyer how many "sexts" you sent with your iPhone for sale. AJ
  17. TFT is LCD, but it might not even be IPS/PLS. It could be PVA or TN. Wow, if that were the case, this tablet should be free with contract. AJ
  18. I have not had the time nor the patience to respond to this post until now. So, here goes... John Legere is little but a smack talker. I have no idea how old you are, but that seems to appeal to immature twenty somethings. However, it is no way for a CEO to conduct himself. It is not "refreshing," as some of the T-Mobile fans in the tech press put it. Smack talk is just a bunch of hyperbole. I have not called you any names. I judged you an "ignorant consumer," as I have a number of other posters. So, that is a criticism, not an insult. If a supervisor deemed you a "poor worker," would that be an insult? Again, I do not know how old you are, but difficulty accepting criticism is a common trait among the twenty something generation that grew up in the "everybody gets a ribbon" environment. Provide a source to substantiate that claim. T-Mobile is making progress in overlaying W-CDMA in a few random areas. But it is nowhere near the entire network. Unlike Sprint, T-Mobile has made no moves thus far to extend 3G/4G airlinks to the mass of its rural network. With Network Vision, Sprint is now doing that for the second time. You think that Sprint uses primarily microwave backhaul? Wrong. Sprint has primarily used T1 backhaul, and that is being replaced with advanced backhaul of various types. As I wrote in another post, T-Mobile somewhat lucked into the opportunity to deploy advanced backhaul to its urban sites because it was so many years behind the other three major operators in 3G deployment. Back to Sprint, it did not sleep on advanced backhaul. Rather, it turned that responsibility over to Clearwire in 2008. So, Sprint was not lagging behind T-Mobile. That Clearwire fell short of its responsibility is not Sprint's fault. Sure, years after the other operators, T-Mobile finally gets the iPhone last quarter. That explains a lot. But it does not tell the whole story. Look at other metrics, such as ARPU, from last quarter. Not so hot. AJ
  19. For the 7 inch tablets, is Samsung sticking with AMOLED? Or has it shifted over fully to IPS/PLS? AJ
  20. That is exactly what Josh wrote. AJ
  21. I guess that depends upon whether you like oeufs verts et jambon. AJ
  22. Asus makes great tablets and now great routers? Why cannot Asus make a great handset? PadFone, seriously? Maybe Asus and HTC should merge. Call it HateSeuss. AJ
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