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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Yes, a negative latency spec would be indicative of an acausal system. The data arrives before you request it. Maybe that is Network Vision's secret weapon. AJ
  2. No, in most cases, those multiple licenses needed to reach 40 MHz are not fully contiguous. They are 10, 20, 30 MHz blocks here and there. AJ
  3. In all of the listed markets, AT&T holds at least one Cellular 850 MHz license -- in Dallas, it holds both. So, even if some W-CDMA 1900 is refarmed, one or two W-CDMA 850 carriers will remain. New York: 30 MHz Philadelphia: 40 MHz San Francisco: 40 MHz Washington, DC: 40 MHz Dallas: 20 MHz Baltimore: 30 MHz AJ
  4. FYI, S4GRU will not allow complaints or rants in this thread. If you want to discuss reasons why certain LTE bands may be disabled, that is fine. But this thread will not be a soapbox for dismay or anger. AJ
  5. Uh, The Dave, your wife called. She thinks that you are cheating on her with this thread, since you are always here. AJ
  6. There will not be 80 MHz cleared and available. You need not assume; you can count on that. AJ
  7. Ignore list aside, report the member in question. If he is skirting the stated S4GRU rules, let staff deal with him. AJ
  8. The best case is no case. Do not be a klutz. Problem solved. And enjoy the design of your handset. AJ
  9. I am a Best Buy Premier Silver customer (or whatever it is calling the highest echelon theses days). My order is processing and cannot be canceled. It should ship soon, so there you have it... AJ
  10. Sprint? We do not care any longer. With Robert's move to Rapid City, we are now VZW4GRU. AJ
  11. The general perception is that lower frequencies/longer wavelengths travel farther than higher frequencies/shorter wavelengths. That is not really true, but it does work as a common simulacrum for a more complicated relationship. In free space or clear air, all frequencies effectively travel equal distances. The issue then is antenna aperture. Higher frequencies have smaller antenna apertures, so less emitted power is received at the same respective distances. That is what is known as "path loss" and leads to the popular idea that lower frequencies travel farther. Additionally, the real world RF environment is typically far from free space. Instead, RF must pass through, reflect off of, diffract around numerous objects. Different materials have different frequency dependent attenuation factors. Not all materials function as low pass filters. Sometimes, higher frequencies actually have the advantage. But in most cases, lower frequencies are less attenuated. This, too, supports the misconception that lower frequencies travel farther. AJ
  12. Clearwire has only two or three truly rural sites in all of Nevada. Whether those sites or any others are "underutilized" is up for debate. So, yes, I am not sure that "all of this adds up." Regardless, bandwithhog may need to do the responsible thing and move his office where more appropriate broadband options are available. Businesses do not generally locate where supply of whatever is not readily available. AJ
  13. The VZW variant HTC One max was submitted to the FCC OET prior to the shutdown. It has been authorized for the last two weeks. AJ
  14. Are you rolling your eyes at me? I am the Grand Wizard of the white power LG G2 wireless nerd klan. We will put a burning cell tower in your yard. AJ
  15. You thought wrong: PCS does not automatically mean 1900 MHz nor the converse. AJ
  16. S4GRU is a non profit, member supported site. That TD-LTE site info in LA is available as a perk to Premier sponsors. AJ
  17. The surprising part is that Dan likes to sharpshoot from the perimeter, while Son likes to dominate in the low post. You think it would be just the opposite. AJ
  18. That is almost irrelevant, since no current devices are compatible with the PCS/AWS-2 H block. AJ
  19. No, it is most of the US, just not all of the US. A few rural and key markets -- St. Louis, Cincinnati, Buffalo -- are missing. I published a map in 2006. I will see if I can dig it up. Yeah, here is the gist of it. SpectrumCo was in bed with Sprint. This is what the partnership came away with from the AWS-1 auction seven years ago. Now, most of this is in the hands of VZW. AJ
  20. No one can tell the future. Check back in two years. AJ
  21. You guys are missing the biggest clues of all. Kenny Loggins. Michael McDonald. 1979. And YouTube keeps serving me Twix ads. Something is afoot... AJ
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