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S4GRU Staff Member
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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Have you read through the relevant article and thread? You are clearly experiencing e/CSFB issues. AJ
  2. The PRL update part was a running joke. A PRL has effectively no association with LTE. AJ
  3. Something is wrong with the LTE provisioning between your phone/SIM and account. You need to update your PRL... AJ
  4. I think the proper term is "groupie." AJ
  5. Well, first, you must add the mobile hotspot option to your plan. Have you done that? AJ
  6. Your market must be second or third round. AJ
  7. Kris, just in case drying your Zing does not work out, I went ahead and got you the new model, the Zing Z. Happy Thanksgiving. Just let me know where to ship it... AJ
  8. Absolutely. CDMA1X, EV-DO, W-CDMA, and LTE are all intended to be single frequency networks. Going to unity frequency reuse is a big part of the capacity multiplier beyond AMPS, IS-136 TDMA, and GSM, which all require patterned frequency reuse. AJ
  9. And then the next day you have rice and beans? AJ
  10. Joey, you should be a nice brother and, as a replacement, give your sister that tablet you carry around but call a phone. AJ
  11. Alright, guys. Get to work on the S4GRU/e/CSFB app. We will wait to take all the credit until you are done with a flawless app. AJ
  12. I have to check with the pocket first. But otherwise, yes -- because I am very careful with my phone and do not stick it in questionable pockets. AJ
  13. Based on all of the screen protector talk in this thread, the condom training has taken full root. Damn, you guys are either not careful or paranoid... AJ
  14. Do tablet slippery hands run in your family? Tell your dad that I can ship you some Stickum for Christmas. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stickum AJ
  15. We intentionally do not write about some of those licensees. They are spectrum squatters trying to get their licenses included in the rebanding process as a means to extort a buyout from Sprint. We will not give them any publicity. AJ
  16. Yes, it was F***** with your EAR. AJ
  17. At least, that might have some RF relevance here. AJ
  18. What about a protector protector? It is kind of like the hot pocket hot pocket. AJ
  19. I am afraid you have an invalid result there. Band 26 is LTE 800/850, while band 41 is TD-LTE 2600. You will need to do some more testing with screenshots because your EARFCN does not check out. It would be in the Cellular 850 MHz band, which AT&T and VZW control in LA. AJ
  20. Well, for Sprint purposes, we have to narrow the discussion to the ESMR portion of SMR 800 MHz. And no other licensee holds anything remotely close to nationwide ESMR. It is all just little bits and pieces here and there. AJ
  21. What do you hope to accomplish? Just some psychological satisfaction from making a complaint? If this SINR issue is really pandemic in Chicago, then Sprint is aware. It is either working on the problem because it is fixable or standing pat because it is not fixable. In that latter case, complaints will do nothing. LTE may simply be saturated -- especially as Sprint in Chicago is reportedly second among the big four in market share but last in currently available spectrum. Not to mention, a few hundred thousand USCC subs need to find a new home, many landing on Sprint. Honestly, I am not sure that some of you have the patience and temperament to be Sprint subs. Might you be happier on one of the anti competitive Twin Bells or "nifty shit" T-Mobile? AJ
  22. Amy Farrah Fowler. I thought the youngsters might need that reference to recognize Mayim Bialik. But I expected more from our resident old fogey... AJ
  23. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure... Do not be a girl, carry your handset in your back pocket, sit on it repeatedly, then be surprised when something bad happens. AJ
  24. What? Sprint currently has no 10 MHz FDD markets. All initial LTE deployment is 5 MHz FDD because that is the size of the PCS G block. And you really should not bother Sprint with these issues. You will just get canned answers from PR people who probably do not know the difference between 5 MHz FDD and 10 MHz FDD. AJ
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