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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Indeed, why? No one may share my mind. AJ
  2. VZW does not need band 4 LTE 2100+1700 on every rural/highway site. As long as they have sufficient backhaul, plenty of those are still running smoothly on band 13 LTE 750. However, VZW needs AWS overlaid on sites serving towns of even just a few thousand people because VZW tends to have wildly disproportionate market share in those locales. So, do not necessarily expect a complete AWS overlay on every site; islands of AWS capacity will be sufficient. AJ
  3. Just as important is continued access to the standard run of engineering screens and other hidden menus. I may place my order in a few days, but I will let the earliest of early adopters confirm first. AJ
  4. Nope. As I recall from my FCC OET research, the AT&T and T-Mobile variants support band 17. That is no bueno for the Lower 700 MHz A block licenses that T-Mobile is in the process of acquiring. Those band 12 handsets reportedly will be available later this year. AJ
  5. Band class 10 does include SMR 900 MHz, too. But it is a subclass that, to my knowledge, has not been implemented in any infrastructure or user equipment. In other words, nothing in the field currently is compatible with band class 10 CDMA1X 900. AJ
  6. For the three prepaid brands, Sprint could license New Order's "Bizarre Love Triangle." I am mobile, so somebody else post the video. AJ
  7. Oh, I am out there, sometimes way out there. The SMR 900 MHz holdings vary from market to market. But as a starting point, read this thread: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/390-how-much-of-the-900-mhz-band-being-used/page-2\ See my diagram. As I understand it, that represents the current maximum SMR 900 MHz spectrum Sprint holds in any given market. AJ
  8. Careful. You make a sweeping generalization and ask a loaded question. In my article, I did not make any comparisons with other non HTC handsets. We cannot speak to the real world RF performance of this HTC handset until it is in the hands of end users. So, do not jump the gun. And take that as neither an endorsement nor a caveat. AJ
  9. A lot of people who use Boost or Virgin are too "poor" to afford home broadband. AJ
  10. On a related note, has anyone seen a Sasquatch or yeti? AJ
  11. Wait, you have never flown? That is rare in this day and age. We may have to start playing banjo music as the soundtrack to your posts. Well, I am glad that I got to you in time. If you ever do fly, remember this. I had to instruct a middle school classmate about this very thing 20 years ago. During takeoff, be sure to raise your hands above your head, open your mouth wide, and bawk like a chicken as loud as you can. Otherwise, as a first time flier, the decompression might make your head explode. AJ
  12. That is correct. These case/protector discussions are off topic; they should have their own threads. I have been adamant about that. And for the record, my handsets go bareback. AJ
  13. Why is it that whenever I run into one of the many spontaneous case/protector discussions I feel like I have stumbled into a condom thread? AJ
  14. This thread has taken a very interesting turn -- at least 90 degrees. AJ
  15. Yes, single time slot GSM is limited by timing advance to 35 km radius. That is not the issue here, but it is correct, nonetheless. AJ
  16. AT&T can have the WCS spectrum as soon as Randall bends over. AJ
  17. A "GPS transmitter" is on a satellite. As I stated previously, GPS is a one way transmission. If you think that it is a two way transmission, you are sorely mistaken. So, you can track a "GPS signal" device as easily as you can track my TV or transistor radio -- they are all just receivers of broadcast signals. AJ
  18. GPS is one way, nothing but a reference signal. How do you run a geo search on anything if no wireless data connection is available? AJ
  19. Apparently, many are trying to call cellphones of people who were on board the flight, but they are all getting the "Please hold while the Nextel subscriber you are trying to reach is located" message. AJ
  20. Yes, you are mistaken. Now, would you like a Squishee? (Say it with an Indian accent.) AJ
  21. Or just be done with it and call it the "E-Penis Enlarger" -- because that is what it is. Far too many buffoons out there are obsessed with MOAR SPEED! AJ
  22. You might say that Kevin Fitchard is at it again. The following was his tweet in reference to the Fierce Wireless story: https://twitter.com/kfitchard/status/445634835961225216I do not know why he insists on highlighting something ostensibly negative about Sprint. He clearly has an axe to grind.Of course, maybe Phil Goldstein is to blame. Fierce Wireless ran a full four major operator comparison article, which is linked earlier in this thread. But for some reason, Phil felt the need to write a separate article, pointing out that Sprint had the highest latencies of the four. Why that article was even necessary, I do not know.These guys just love to rip on Sprint. They really should be ashamed.AJ
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