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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. Yeah, I just saw that. I am glad to hear that as there was speculation previously of Softbank not wanting to invest much more with Sprint.
  2. I'm okay with that. Unlimited can tend to congest the network with heavy data users. As long as they have good data plans I think everything would work out fine, say like a 50gb plan for X amount.
  3. Good for marketing, but why not use that money for densification? Unless that's why Marcelo went to Japan?
  4. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/t-mobile-catches-sprint-both-carriers-now-cover-280-million-pops-lte/2015-05-14 Very impressive. They have made a lot of progress.
  5. That I am unsure of. Maybe someone else can help clarify. Since this would be used to small cells, it would make the most sense to have it used in a more dense locations.
  6. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/sprints-claure-heads-japan-get-sons-sign-network-densification-plan/2015-05-12
  7. I am due for an upgrade but nothing has peaked my interest yet. I am waiting to see which phones come out with 2x CA in the fall
  8. For the location of the equipment, I believe it is on the top... To see the differences between the different types of memberships, check this out: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/ As for types of maps, you would have access to all of the sprint sites they have information on and where it is in the NV phase. If you would like information on clearwire sites (band 26/41) you will need to become a premier sponsor (totally worth it!) If you're unsure on how far you would like to go, start off with a small donation and you can be a sponsor for 6 months. If you decide you wish to become a premier sponsor, you can then donate some more. Hope that helps.
  9. The one behind Target is also a Sprint tower. As for the tower at 196th, I forget which rack Sprint is set up on. (On a side note it is a clearwire site.) Also, if you're interested in finding out about more towers around here, you may want to consider donating and becoming a sponsor. You would get access to some great information including maps and site information.
  10. You would think so... But do you think it would be wise to try and purchase Dish? It would cost a lot, I would guess around $50 billion.
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