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Posts posted by MacinJosh


    Are you a corporate or consumer account? Also depends on the type if call as the Phillipines just handles basic billing and general info calls AFAIK. Most of the call centers are in the States' date=' however, even if they are "vendor" sites.


    I wish I could give out the queue numbers to connect people straight to the higher level support.[/quote']


    Just a consumer account. But i've never called at night, and i usually call at the slow times of the day.


    Sent from Josh's Evo Shift 4G using Forum Runner

  2. Hey, it works for Sprint!


    Oh, wait. No it doesn't. We get lots of complaints about the Phillipines center.... in that people have a really difficult time understanding the reps. You have to remember, the English spoken by the reps there bears little resemblance to many of the varied dialects in the U.S.


    That and the outsourced centers get paid per call... so getting the customer off the line must be an imperative.


    I have never talked to a rep from the Philippines before. Always have talked to US reps with Sprint. However, I can't say the same for Asurion.

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  3. The whole WiMax Network went down 2 nights ago in Visalia, CA and neither my Clear iSpot or my phone would connect to 4G. I feel your pain Justin. Try another WiMax device like Robert suggested, and then call and gripe if both don't work.

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