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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. Network Vision on schedule and on budget

    • Network Vision is a central component of our efforts to improve both our customer experience and expand our operating margins.
    • With Sprint's Network Vision we'll migrate customers to one network, improve our 3G coverage/capacity, and introduce 4G LTE service and devices on our own network.

    It's nice to hear that they are on budget with this whole project. I hope they continue that way and even come in under budget. That would be even better.


    Thanks for posting Duffman

  2. I have a mid-2009 13" MBP with the 2.53Ghz CPU. I now have 8GB of RAM in it. You can get the RAM for 30-40 dollars and it will extend the life on the computer pretty well. You can see if you need more by checking the swap in the activity monitor.


    You have the high end 13". Mine is the 2.26GHz. And I know I need more RAM, I use VM's of Windows for school and games. And if you knew what all is wrong with my computer, a new one would be the better option for me. And I always buy my RAM from http://www.macsales.com. I just don't have money right now.

  3. Maybe you should read some of the articles on this site about how Sprint is rolling out their LTE network. Lightsquared was a partner to Sprint, and Sprint was going to build out the lightsquared network alongside their own LTE network in exchange for lightsquared paying cash and allowing Sprint to use their network for extra data capacity. Now that Sprint has cut lightsquared loose, they are continuing on their own course and plan to use clearwire for extra capacity. It's a good thing Sprint "didn't put all their eggs in the same basket" but it would have been very foolish to count on lightsquared for their entire LTE network as lightsquared wasn't guaranteed that they would even be allowed to use their spectrum for terrestrial service which is what sunk them in the end.


    Sprint put all their eggs in the WiMax basket and look what it got them in the end, rotten eggs. They learned from that mistake and they won't do that again. All partner companies will only be used for extra LTE capacity from this point forward. Sprint is making the smart move to build their own LTE network.

  4. If you do go down the iPhone road.. Id just wait for the next one, Josh. Hopefully it will at least have a bigger screen.


    Either way... I agree, this thing is pretty cool.


    I might just pay full price for my 4S instead of replacing my MacBook Pro right now. Then I would still have my upgrade in December, so it would still be win-win for me.

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