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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. When everything is so easy in school you get used to being lazy.


    Still, I suppose I prefer having smarts over not.


    It wasn't so much everything being easy as it was that I just didn't care too much. I got too bored too easy. My mom almost even had me tested for ADD. The biggest problem with public schools in Nevada is that the books are around 5 years older than they should be, and it just makes everything that much worse. I sure wish I had tried instead. Could have been Valedictorian if I had tried hard enough. Oh well.


    My dad told me "Well son, you tried, and you failed. The lesson is, never try." Oh, wait, that was Homer Simpson. Doh!



  2. I'm in the same boat Josh, my phone company and the local cable company will NOT bring high speed to us and the many homes around us. I have requested cable once or twice a year since I moved here four years ago and, obviously, they still say the same thing that there aren't enough houses per mile. My house is about 1.5 miles from where cable is today and there are about 40 homes in that distance but Time Warner won't drop lines without 90 homes per mile.


    CenturyLink has blanketed the entire neighboring county to ours according to my neighbor who works for them because they had the lowest broadband penetration rates in the state. Since the economy has slowed, so has CenturyLink's expansion to more rural areas.


    Sprint Mobile BroadBand is my only viable solution at this point, since Verizon and AT&T don't have unlimited plans. I work from home for a large computer company and use a lot of data every month. It's not fast enough to stream movies or music (we tried Netflix briefly but it just wouldn't work), but for most of what I do from home it's acceptable. Later in the day and parts of the evening it's much slower which is when others are getting home from work.


    The 4G LTE and capacity upgrades can't come soon enough for people like me who have no other viable options.


    I understand your desire for LTE. I wish they could hurry up too.


    That is a big part of your problem. Mobile wireless broadband is not a replacement for wired (or fixed wireless) broadband. And' date=' honestly, I look askance at people who try to cut costs by living on their mobile wireless broadband connections at home because those people just exacerbate the slow data speed problems that you are complaining about.


    Femtocells and Wi-Fi offloading are becoming a fact of life in the wireless industry. On purely macro cellular networks, we simply do not have enough available spectrum, nor can we ever clear enough spectrum to keep up with the public's newfound (read: iPhone inspired) insatiable appetite for data. So, we (both wireless carriers and individual subs) are going to have to mix in smaller cells and Wi-Fi offloading among the macrocells in so called heterogeneous networks or "het nets" in order to keep up with demand.


    My advice is to get your home broadband connection back, and embrace femtocells and Wi-Fi offloading. That is a big part of the solution. And, as the old saying goes, if you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem.




    I have an exemption to the rule since my local phone company and cable company refuse to offer high speed internet to my street, right?


    Sent from Joshs Evo Shift using Forum Runner

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