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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I would love that! Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  2. My kids want iPod Touches. But I refuse. Sounds like a great alternative. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  3. I was approached by two unknown sources with lots of sketchy details. Sarge was also keeping me up to date from other rumors too. However, I don't report on things I hear verbally or get typed in emails. Only on official docs. So I am skeptical in all these details. Especially the ones, like AJ points out, that seem to conflict with real data we actually have from official internal sources. We have already heard conflicting rumors. So some of these trusted rumors already have to be false. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  4. It is amazing to consider how many Nextel sites are near Sprint sites and not co-located. For instance, there is one here in Cuyamungue, NM where there are three boomer towers in a row, each over 300' tall. One has Tmo only. Another has Sprint, Cricket and the remnants of Alltel. The third has ATT, VZW and Nextel. That happens quite a lot where Nextel is near Sprint CDMA, but on a separate site. Very expensive. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  5. Are you referring to co-located sites? Obviously they are not removing CDMA off a co-located site. Just the Nextel iDEN would be removed then. But Sprint and Nextel are not co-located very often. Its one of the biggest reasons for NV is that completely separate network was killing them in costs. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  6. I can't go along with such a broad statement. In places where ATT is deployed on 850 and Sprint on 1900' date=' Sprint has more sites. But I think I understand what you are trying to say. If you have GPS issues on all devices, I'm leaning toward an issue with your geographic location. Are you near a LightSquared test site? Does the issue exist when you travel with all those devices? I sometimes have problems with my E4GT locking on with some Custom ROM's I've used. But HTC products have been solid with GPS in my experiences. And I have more problems in larger cities (like when I go to ABQ) than I do in rural areas. The noise floor is much higher for your device. GPS is based on your GPS radio in your device. Not your wireless carrier. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  7. 1. 800 LTE is not, I repeat, is not going on any iDEN towers. It is only going on CDMA sites. The iDEN network is fully being decommissioned. And the 800 spectrum is moving over to NV sites. 2. While the map references roaming, it is probably not LTE roaming in all the blue areas. However, S4GRU does have a story on Sprint LTE roaming planned. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  8. Big Kahuna Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  9. Two things... 1. AJ and I will be talking about Sprint LTE roaming in future articles. Stay tuned for that. 2. This map looks legit to me. But it looks like it includes 800 LTE. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  10. happy ending Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  11. Although I won't say its impossible, I would say it is highly unlikely. S4GRU has seen the LTE lab schedules and performance data that includes every LTE device that Sprint will test between January 2012 and September 2012. There is no device that can be the Note in that data. So I can only reasonably deduct, the Sprint Note is not LTE (which I cannot believe at this point), or it will be released after September, or its not coming to Sprint at all. If the Note was to the point Sprint employees are being trained on it, it would have had to been tested in Sprint LTE labs and LTE FIT's already. And that did not occur. I am guessing that there are references that Sprint employees are being trained soon on an upcoming Samsung device and people are jumping to conclusions. In fact, all Sprint internal references to the GNex are "Roadrunner." People are probably are seeing Roadrunner and assuming its the Note. When the Roadrunner is all but certain to be the GNex. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  12. S4GRU


    Let me be the first to welcome you to S4GRU! I certainly appreciate direct communication styles, as long as they are fact based and not inflammatory or personal. I look forward to seeing you around the site. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  13. You Bastard! Because you killed Kenny! Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  14. Windows Vista Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  15. Good points. It would only be practical for PCS operators looking to expand into LTE and possibly looking to exploit some 800 spectrum with Sprint. Getting device OEMs to support a carriers native spectrum plus all of Sprint spectrum seems too tall a feat at this time. They would need to share some frequencies already. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  16. I'm all for it. I think it's all pros, if it is structured right. I wouldn't want to see anything structured like it was with Pioneer. We all know how that went down. Robert
  17. I am so far behind!!! I need to delegate. However, I cannot give confidential source materials to even our writers. Must protect at all costs. Robert
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