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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. It's more like my side yard. Robert
  2. If you aren't tied to needing WiMax, I would go for it. Providing, of course, the SGS3 meets all your needs otherwise. Robert
  3. The post at ISN says that customers will be notified on 6/7 of launch dates for Mid Summer 2012. So, I am not getting my hopes up, yet. I cannot get a hold of my source that could corraborate this or provide more info. Robert
  4. I can see them all. Looks like they are starting right on time. Where is this specific site? I would like to compare it to the schedule. Dothose trucks say Goff Wireless? Robert
  5. I too would be happy to suffer through Network Vision dropped calls and super slow data. But here I sit in New Mexico, likely one of the last to get NV in the country. Robert
  6. He is more like the official S4GRU Trunk Monkey... "I don't do probes, so I'm glad I bought a truck with a Trunk Monkey." Robert
  7. We have a lot of Commnet sites here in Northern New Mexico that I roam on. They have great backhaul on really remote sites. Often get 1.5Mbps to 2.5Mbps. However, I bet Sprint pays them beaucoup bucks for it all. Robert
  8. Wouldn't that be 6+6=12? Robert
  9. I know this is something I want to know! Robert
  10. Sounds like on 6/7, customers with LTE devices will get a text message with the market launch date, eh? Hmmm... Robert
  11. Not quite what I said. To clarify, Sprint is not putting backhaul on hold. They are speeding up NV site overhauls and allowing them to get ahead of the backhaul schedule. Backhaul is still proceeding per contract and will be connected after it's available at each completed NV site. And you are correct, Sprint will not allow 4G LTE to be connected to legacy T1 backhaul. That would be a disaster. Robert
  12. Especially given all the recent cannibal news, not sure what to think of all this. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  13. I prefer Red, Chimayo Red. But sometimes I'll do Christmas style. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  14. Emmmm...chile... *drool* Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  15. I bet you're a fun guy to get a beer with. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  16. I'm looking for one of you to sponsor me personally so I can quit my day job. Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
  17. personal question Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner
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