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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Low? I will take that every day of the week...thank you very much! Robert
  2. Hey Roy...can you do me a favor? Do some streaming on your EVO LTE and see if you run into any LTE Connectivity issues. Let it run a good thirty minutes. I would like to know if you get any hang ups. Thanks! Robert
  3. This almost seems like an April Fools Joke. Pretty trick. I want to see some video. Robert
  4. That's what they say about Los Alamos around here. That's why they make me and my family leave in the valley. Robert
  5. I've looked through all the photos. I don't see any RRU's on the rack that appears to be Sprint's up on the tower. I do see some RRU's, but the appear to be on AT&T panels. Also, the equipment cabinets that appear to be Sprints look like legacy cabinets. In the one shot where you see the cabinets on the right almost behind the AT&T equipment building, were there additional cabinets behind the building that you could see? Robert
  6. I have no new news on these markets since the article was posted. Robert
  7. Welcome to S4GRU. Hope to see you around! Robert
  8. To all: As many of you see, the popularity of the forum has really taken off. And even with over 1,500 members now, we have still been able to maintain the feeling of a small cozy community where we all pretty much know each other. However, one trend is really starting to take a toll. I am being bombarded with specific NV site questions. Via PM and forum posts. I don't mind, to some extent. But I do want to explain that it will be difficult to honor all requests. For instance, I pretty much can only look up this information if I am at my home office computer or work computer. Well, only about 30% of my S4GRU use is from those computers. A majority of reading posts and PM's is on my phone or tablet. Often, by the time I can look up something for a member, those forum posts/PM's are long forgotten and replaced by a dozen new requests for info. There is just no easy way for me to track it, and it is a huge burden. And in many instances, the new schedule update article series will answer many questions. I ask you for your patience. If I do not respond to your question regarding specific tower info, it's probably because I couldn't get the info when I came across your request. Posts and PM's get buried and I may never see them again. If I don't respond in 2 to 3 days, then rethink your request. If it is something important, resubmit it. But I would recommend reasking kindly. Although I hate to encourage you all to fill my PM box, you are more likely to get a response there for info than in thread posts. Thank you for your understanding. Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  9. water tank Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  10. Bar Exam Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  11. open window Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner
  12. They must have built in the anticipated Apple caused delay. Robert
  13. It could be. All the docs I have seen say "Montana." They never reference a community name or region of the state. Robert
  14. It's almost like if Atari had patented baseball, tennis, golf, etc. and no other software company could make those games that perform those same entertainment functions...ever...for the life of the patent. There would have been no Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf or Bases Loaded...and whatever sports you whippersnappers play on game consoles now. This is absurd. Software is ideas and thoughts. You can't really patent that. If someone rips off the same code and does it exactly the same, that's understandable. But with different OS'es, that's highly unlikely. What ever happened to imitation is the highest form of flattery? In the long run, these absurd legal grandstandings will likely hurt Apple business. And then they will claim the reason why their sales are down is because people were stealing from them. In reality, it will be because of their business practices. They just need to keep their attention focused on keeping ahead of the competition. And Apple could do a wonderful job of that. Pushing the bar higher and higher. Leaving the competition in the dust. Let their competitors have their innovations from last year. Because they are already releasing the next new thing. However, Apple is insecure and greedy. They are afraid they are starting to lose the innovation edge. It's too bad. I want Apple to be an innovator. We all win that way. Sad, sad, sad... Robert
  15. Another fine editorial rant by Jerry Hildebrand. Kudos to Jerry! Robert
  16. The actual market launch for Chicago will not happen by then. However, Sprint may allow for complete LTE sites to start being discoverable early. I have seen some reports in the past week of people being able to get on a tower in Hammond and another one in Merrillville. That area is likely your best bet. Robert
  17. Don't look a gift phone in the mouth! Robert
  18. Wouldn't it make more sense to do the opposite? Since you pay approximately $20 per month in subsidies when you are on contract, you still pay that when you complete your contract. Sprint doesn't lower your bill $20 per month when you go month to month. You just don't get the $20 per month benefit. It makes more sense in my mind to get the new device now on contract, and then next year buy the next device cash outright in the middle of your contract. You will save approximately $240 per line per year doing that (and it will help pay for the next device). The only reason where it makes sense to do it the way you describe is if: A.) you know you won't be able to afford a new device cash price next year and you can now, or B.) you need to keep your options open and may leave to another carrier and not wanting to be committed to Sprint for another 24 months. It's not likely that next year's devices will be more expensive. Cash price has not gone up much the past two years.That's my two cents, for what it's worth. Robert
  19. So Apple believes it owns the rights to the entire concept of voice control? That is so beyond absurd. Robert
  20. Yeah, we have been talking about this since November last year: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-195-new-sprint-network-enhancements-upgrades-site/ The website does not show all Sprint sites in the country, but only a six month rolling window of sites that have or will receive temporary upgrades to help prior to Network Vision relief. However, S4GRU does have maps that do show every single Sprint site in the country in our Sponsor section. Thanks for posting and welcome to S4GRU. Robert
  21. We have started a new article series updating most of the NV schedules, including Charlotte. Today we did Atlanta. Stay tuned to S4GRU.com for Charlotte. Robert
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