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Posts posted by S4GRU

  1. This must be a Network Vision tower even though it doesn't show on your maps


    There are over 2,500 legacy sites with AAV backhaul now that are capable of speeds over 1.5Mbps. This is not necessarily indicative of Network Vision. However, since most NV sites will have AAV, microwave or fiber backhaul, speeds like this will be much more common at sites where NV has been completed.


    Was the site you got these 3G speeds from recently much slower? That may help to figure out if these are NV related. Additionally, many sites will be connectable before they are officially marked on-air by Sprint. And there can be up to a one week delay from the time they officially are on-air by Sprint until I get notified. So it is definitely possible to be connected to NV sites before they get posted here at S4GRU.



  2. I'm thinking Clear may be fairly valued. The spectrum value analysis I've seen seem to overvalue the spectrum, because I don't think they are weighing propagation characteristics of 2600 mHz enough. When you have to not double, but square, your tower build-out, to achieve fair in-building coverage, that to me drops the value of the spectrum quite a bit.


    At a $4 per share liquidation valuation, it was based on a very low spectrum value. 25% of the value of 700MHz, if memory serves. All this talk of a false spectrum crunch will only help drive the value of the spectrum up more over time.



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  3. Clearwire at 1.05 right now. I still don't get the huge move downwards recently on Clearwire. I get the market sentiment in general has been negative but stocks like Clearwire have been heavily depressed so 5-10 cents downwards every day is huge.


    Do investors have that little confidence in Clearwire despite 1) Lightsquared going bankrupt making Clearwire the major player in wholesale LTE and 2) Clearwire still maintaining revenue on Wimax with Sprint prepaid Virgin and Boost Mobile.


    Not to mention that CLWR is worth an estimated $4 per share if assets are liquidated. Doesn't make sense. I may buy more if it drops below $1.


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner

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  4. Hi


    Great info here.

    Thanks for all your effort.




    It seems we have a very large Puerto Rican following at S4GRU. I would love to visit the Enchanted Isle some day. Thanks for joining us!


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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  5. I don't think we will be seeing many more devices that support SVDO, unless the device already naturally supports it before being tweaked for Sprint. I don't think Sprint will request any OEM's to include SVDO...because its relevant shelf life is limited at this point.


    By the end of summer, 25% of Sprint customers will be covered with LTE. By December 31st, it will be close to 50%. And the end of 2013, it will be 90%+.


    For the middle and long term, SVLTE is what matters in new devices. And Sprint is requiring all new LTE devices support SVLTE. If they can support SVDO, then that is just gravy, in Sprint's eyes.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

    • Like 5

    You're talking about a budget sheet that doesn't have room to bring 1000 nextel towers in iden only areas into Network Vision.....


    We don't know how Sprint estimated keeping some iDEN sites to switch to Network Vision CDMA/LTE, or even if they did at all. The study of 1,000 sites is something I did last October as a project when I first received a document with all the Sprint sites.


    That was back in the good old days of S4GRU when I had time to work on projects and articles instead of getting bogged down with managing a website.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  7. hello from pr i have been sprint costumer for a long time and im interested in the info of the development of the network vision when i found this wonderful site and im glad to join in it.


    Bienvenidos! :welcome:


    Thanks for joining S4GRU and becoming a sponsor immediately. Hope to see you around.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  8. All these leaks all of a sudden about the iPhone having a 4" screen are probably no accident. Seems likely Apple targeted these leaks. Trying to capitalize on this large captive audience waiting for their devices, hoping that possibly they will now consider waiting for the new iPhone. Or even more likely, since this is such big news, Apple is putting out positive information about their product while a competitor is languishing in bad press.


    Although I never like to say never, I will say that my chances of ever buying an Apple product again are now so minute it would be hard to measure with a nano scale.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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  9. I am new. Couldn't find how to be a sponsor to see the map. Could someone tell me anything about Decatur or Huntsville. AL. I think all of AL is listed as Alabama(market wise) or Birmingham.


    Welcome to S4GRU! :welcome:


    Yes, Huntsville/Madison/Decatur are in the Alabama market: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/gallery/image/232-sprint-market-map-alabama/


    You can become a Sponsor by making a donation to our PayPal account to help cover our expenses here at S4GRU. To become a Sponsor, click on The Forums tab at the top of any S4GRU page. Once the Forums page loads, there is a donation section in the upper right hand corner. Click on the donate button and follow the PayPal prompts.


    However, the Alabama market is not in the first two rounds of Network Vision.



  10. T-Mobile should buyout Clearwire. Both companies are based in Bellevue, Washington. That should be an easy transition to move the Clearwire Employees to the T-Mobile Headquarters from the Clearwire Headquarters.


    Sounds like a marriage made...in Purgatory. :lol:



  11. I think Sprint is praying like heck that somebody else buys Clearwire first and they get their money out of it. If they can get another 10-20Mhz of spectrum somewhere else, they would jump at the chance. They like PCS spectrum or near PCS spectrum. They might even settle for Dish spectrum. They don't like Clearwire period.


    Agreed. However, Sprint also knows that Clearwire is a definite, whereas PCS H Block or Dish spectrum are just possibilities. So they have to keep Clearwire in their back pocket for now. I would hold my nose and buy out Clearwire this year, if they can buy up remaining shares around a $1. It makes more sense than buying MetroPCS or Leap.



  12. I don't think that Sprint has been buying Clearwire debt lately.


    It's not so much that Sprint has been buying Clearwire debt, as much as Clearwire has in the past held its debt payments over Sprint to get Sprint to give them more money. This is what occurred back on December 1st. If Sprint is de facto responsible for Clearwire's debt, because they cannot allow Clearwire to default, then it makes a lot of sense for Sprint to buy out Clearwire, if and when it has the funds to do it.


    This was discussed in detail in a December article: http://s4gru.com/ind...lions-in-value/


    Sprint is, in reality, servicing Clearwire's debt, for if Clearwire defaults, its spectrum goes to the creditors, and Sprint's entire 4G network goes with it. One of the primary benefits of the new agreement announced by Sprint and Clearwire on December 1 is that the Clearwire will make a $237 million debt payment, as scheduled. Clearwire's debt may not be on Sprint's balance sheet, but Sprint is still wholly responsible for it. We think that this is absurd, and are calling on Sprint to do what is necessary and acquire Clearwire outright.



  13. Hello, any news on when Orlando looks to receive LTE? I remember seeing mention that we were in round 2. Is that still true?


    Orlando is still in Round 2. Work will be starting soon. We will have an update about the Orlando market in a series of articles that will start in the next few days. Stay tuned.




    I was at work today and looked down at my GNEX and was getting 4G! I ran a speed test and was getting 2929kbps with two bars of reception. Is NV live yet in San Antonio?


    There are 26 LTE sites on-air in the San Antonio market as of yesterday morning. However, Sprint is blocking access to them. Occasionally, there is a site here and there that is mistakenly not being blocked. You must have found one. S4GRU Sponsors have access to the NV Sites Complete Map that will show you every active NV site in the country.



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