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Posts posted by S4GRU

  1. This is the most recent "map" I found last year.





    These are the most accurate and most recent maps/graphs out there. However, the map does miss several EBS spectrum holdings. They probably were newly negotiated leases after the map was made. Also, we should note that 150MHz is not available in all markets.


    The EBS holdings are very variable from market to market. The EBS portions of Clearwire spectrum consist of whatever they could negotiate and lease from the local school/university.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  2. Hey' date=' I'm currently not working and don't have abundant . Is there a minimum donation amount to be a sponsor and see the interactive map?[/quote']


    I sent you a PM about your question. Thanks!


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  3. I played with it all day in Santa Fe and could never get it to come up with eHRPD. EVDO-A, all the way. :(


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  4. I think Robert is referring to an OTA for the Evo 4G LTE; Sprint had apparently originally planned to delay the release to June 10 to fix an LTE connectivity issue on the Evo' date=' but instead they decided (probably to beat the date when people who bought the original Evo would begin rolling off-contract) to go ahead with the now-infamous May 18 date.


    LTE Self-Discovery may also be part of the Evo's OTA (and surely it will be coming at some point, as it is for the Galaxy Nexus), but that's not the real motivation.[/quote']


    As usual, Chris is right on. I think the LTE Connectivity issue OTA fix may possibly come out stealthily with another OTA, like the LTE Self Discovery OTA. And I certainly don't expect Sprint to call it exactly what it is. Although, they may say the OTA allows it to connect to the LTE network, as if it was always planned that way.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  5. Sprint couldn't realistically build a LTE/WiMax smartphone that would have specs and performance (especially battery performance) that was going to make their customers happy. The device would seem somewhat regressive.


    Also, the cost would be quite high and OEM's wouldn't be thrilled to make it. And its shelf life would be limited too. And then there's the issue that WiMax never went full scale with deployment in only 71 cities.


    As good of a fit as it may seem in the active WiMax markets, the good fit would be short lived and the device would probably not get good press. It just isn't a good idea, all things considered. People who just must have a LTE device now, but want to keep WiMax do have a MiFi option at least.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

    • Like 1
  6. Oh. You mean signal strength at the house? It still runs anywhere from -85 to -110 depending on which of the three towers I am hitting at the time.


    Gotcha. I didn't realize you were talking about two different locations.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  7. Pulling the data from open signal maps I have gotten as good as -66 dbm. Average has been about -75. There does not seem to be a close correlation between the bar meter and actual signal strength.


    Something has changed drastically. There is no way you can go from -100dBm on an EVO 3D and go to -66dBm on an EVO LTE. Something else is at play. There is a problem somewhere. Or a new tower went live...which doesn't seem likely. Could it be a problem with the app?


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  8. I have had no issues with reception. In fact' date=' my house is a low signal area, usually -100 dbm that bounces off of three towers(drives me crazy). My OG EVO and EVO 3d would have choppy reception and drop from time to time. No such issues so far with the EVO LTE.[/quote']


    What is your signal strength running on the EVO LTE so far?


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  9. i can report tho' date=' that the LTE signal seems to propagate farther than the 3G signals, as the spot i was sitting in usually yeiled all bars of signal, this 3G signal gave me 1 bar. dunno guys, will be interesting.[/quote']


    I believe that the signal indicators are not equal. For instance, the -dBm level for 2 bars in EVDO will be different than LTE. When LTE comes back around Athens, you should check that out. But you will need to subtract 14 from the LTE signal to get them equal, to compare apples to apples.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  10. I did this speed test 1/8 mile away from Sprint site between 17th and 11th in hutch' date=' west of hwy 61, and got eHRPD. Not a NV site. But its a legacy site. The closest site that is a NV site is 3 miles to the north(don't think I was connected to it) and did speed tests by it and didn't get ePHRPD.



    You live in an active NV deployment area. You cannot definitively ever say you are or are not connected to a NV site when on eHRPD. Not all NV sites are on our maps, just ones statused as "On-Air." Sites also will likely go live before showing up on our maps.


    How do you know which site you are connected to? Also, it may be possible to get EVDO from one site and eHRPD from another. I have yet to see anything definitive where someone is connected to a legacy site with eHRPD.


    If someone connects to eHRPD in North Dakota, New Mexico or Maine, then I may be inclined to think something is up. But all the sources I have seen so far from trustworthy sources are from.people on NV deployment areas.


    Also, eHRPD will only be beneficial in sites that have upgraded backhaul.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

    • Like 2

    Unfortunately' date=' I still have some irregularity on my account that prevents me from activating a new device via the online activation tool. So, I cannot yet run any tests on eHRPD, as my EVO LTE sits here powered up but not activated.




    I too suffer from this problem and always have to call in. Its very annoying.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


    **EDIT** Now that I look at the map again' date=' even though I was directly across the street from a non-NV tower, I was approx. 2000 meters or so as the crow flies from 2 NV complete towers. Although when I was across the street from the NV tower I was getting not so good speed. Oh well, it's all very interesting stuff to me. I wouldn't even have a clue about this stuff if it wasn't for you all on this site.




    If you have CDMA/LTE enabled, you likely will default to the nearest site with eHRPD. Not the nearest EVDO site.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

    • Like 1

    Robert' date=' are you sure about that? I am under the impression -- quite possibly mistaken, though -- that eHRPD resides deeper in the network than the BTS. If so, eHRPD could still connect through non Network Vision backhaul.


    Unfortunately, I still have some irregularity on my account that prevents me from activating a new device via the online activation tool. So, I cannot yet run any tests on eHRPD, as my EVO LTE sits here powered up but not activated.




    It is possible to run eHRPD in a legacy site through legacy backhaul. But its my understanding eHRPD will only be present after NV equipment upgrade. I dont believe the cards are there before hand.


    But in the case where eHRPD runs through legacy backhaul and not connected to a new 4G core, there would likely not be any performance advantage over EVDO.


    I have not been able to connect to any eHRPD here in New Mexico on our legacy sites here.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


    My first speed test of the day was about 3 miles or so from the nearest site that is confirmed NV Complete according to your map here. It was showing as ehrpd. Here is the screenshot. As you can see' date=' the speed was terrible. This is with CDMA/LTE enabled. I can't imagine it being much worse with just CDMA.




    These sites don't have 4G LTE ready in your area, which typically means the 4G cores are not ready for your market or the enhanced backhaul, or both. So in a case where you can connect to eHRPD but 4G LTE is not ready, then the eHRPD is going to be limited...because it is either not connected to new NV backhaul or not connected to the new 4G core.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  15. OK sirs.. officially no more 4 geeeeees for me in Athens. The tower I did my tests on are pushing me down to 3G. Guess some unions generals saw my posts and decided to burn down my LTE on their march to the sea.


    Bummer. I was afraid this might happen. It sounds like all the 4G LTE sites have been blocked now. I am hearing reports all over where people can no longer access LTE sites they used to be able to.


    I think they have locked them down because of the EVO LTE. I think they don't want people to discover their precious new EVO LTE's have connectivity issues to the LTE network.


    Although I have not received any inside information to back this up, I'm expecting there to be an OTA that comes out within the next few weeks. And when it does, Sprint will claim the OTA will open up the device to use LTE, and then they will stop unblocking the network.


    Sprint needs to just be more open about this stuff.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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