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Posts posted by S4GRU

  1. Robert' date='


    Can you tell me which tower IDs coorispond to the Lansing, MI protection sites?


    [*']Michigan > Lansing > Central Tower. Confirmed by Sensorly. Do you have any performance data?

    [*]Michigan > Lansing > SE/MSU Tower. Confirmed by Sensorly. Do you have any performance data

    [*]Michigan > Lansing > South/Holt Tower. Confirmed by Sensorly. Do you have any performance data?


    I've been trying to figure this out, but haven't had too much luck.


    The Data I have is not an easy to read format. I am in the process of creating some WiMax Protection site maps like we have for NV. But this is a mid term goal. Probably wont start on it until June.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  2. if it is seamless

    I dont know if TD works good while on the move..if it does not then there should be option to toggle switch on and off 2500.


    TDD works fine while moving. In the Sprint/Clearwire program documents for system planning between their FD-LTE and Clearwire's TD-LTE, the systems are being coordinated to handoff to each other while in motion. How successful it will work remains to be seen, but they are planning for it.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

    • Like 1
  3. Would Sprint be fighting for survival if they hadn't gotten the iPhone?


    Sprint was fighting for survival before the iPhone. The iPhone is part of their strategy for resurgence. How much the iPhone will help will not be seen until subsidies start to be paid off by contract subscribers. Also, in how many customers jump to Sprint for an unlimited iPhone LTE.


    But it is a gamble. But when you are in Sprint's position, every move is a gamble.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  4. these are sites that are broadcasting live LTE signals for any sprint LTE handset to utilize.


    Thanks for the update!


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  5. San Diego only has WiMax Protection Sites, which have highly variable performance results. And almost all WiMax Protection Sites were deployed with only one carrier. So if you were there during a game, that one carrier was probably very overloaded.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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  6. Some morning news for everyone:




    7AM Update – HTC EVO 4G LTE Launch Delay


    18 05 2012


    Morning' date=' all! After some MUCH needed sleep, and catching up on some emails, I just wanted to give a quick update before I head into the office to see what the day will bring.

    [*']I CAN confirm that an email with out to the 3rd Party distro with the 5/23 date.

    [*]Since Best-Buy is saying ‘whoops’ for sending the email, I’m not sure if they got smacked for releasing the date first, or if someone just messed up.

    [*]I do believe I’ll be able to get a copy of the actual email today to post.

    [*]There is a 2PM Conference bridge today about the launch.. but we’ve had these daily at some point each day, so don’t get too excited. Yesterday’s was simply boring stuff we all already knew. Generally these are not the venue for breaking news.


    Also, thanks to everyone that’s been reading the blog over the past couple of days, I’ve been able to get in touch with someone who actually works for the warehouse in Louisville yesterday! It took me a while to figure out how to verify who they were, but finally I was able to do so. According to them, we have some stock there that is in the foreign trade zone (aka customs) and some that is not. Apparently some of the earlier shipments have been in the racks for a while(some are always held back for replacements, demos, store models, training phones,etc…). They have indeed picked and packed both sections for the ones that are being shipped out, and last night they were prepping for ‘rollout’. I don’t have any more information than that… but I’m determined to find some out today :)


    Time for the morning commute. Hopefully I’ll be able to confirm something more soon. In the meantime, if you’re new to ISN, I’ve posted a TON of stuff over the past few years you might find interesting, so check it out – and let me know what else you’d like to see. From training docs, to processes, to launch decks…. I am generally so accustomed to seeing it all so much that I only post stuff that I think would be REALLY interesting to others.. but if there’s other stuff you’re curious about, please speak up!


    Thanks for the update. :tu:


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  7. I completely disagree. Grandfathering is just an incentive to keep you as a customer, it is not something contractually binding. When a company refuses to grandfather a perk, they are saying that they are willing to lose you as a customer. And customers should call companies on that and take their business elsewhere.


    The only exception to this is during the initial contract period. Carriers should not be allowed to change in the middle of the contract. And Verizon is keeping to that. You only lose unlimited if you upgrade to a new subsidized device and sign a new contract. That new contract has new terms.


    No carrier should be forced to keep the terms that you like forever. If you don't like the new terms, don't sign the new contract. Make your statements of unhappiness with the new terms by taking your business elsewhere.


    In my opinion, making the government come in and trying to force companies to grandfather unlimited for life is an absurd notion. You aren't a victim. You are a consumer with choices. This highlights the importance of keeping competition alive and why we need more than two large carriers. If there was just ATT and Verizon, then you wouldn't have choices when changes are made.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

    • Like 3
  8. Also new here; any news on the Indianapolis market area? Also, who will be deploying for that market - Ericsson or Samsung? The vendor map that's been propogated around here isn't abundantly clear on that.


    The article about it is much more clear: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-121-indianapolis-east-michigan-are-scheduled-to-be-in-the-second-round-of-sprint-network-visionlte-deployment-in-2012/



  9. So far I have not noted much improvement. Signal has always been solid downtown (Outdoors - Indoors I roam on Verizon) but speeds not so much...


    Only approx. 1% of the sites have been converted in the DC market. Unless you were connected to one of the upgraded towers, you wouldn't notice any improvements. It will take the average market 6 months to complete NV from start to finish, it will take 9-12 months in the largest markets.



  10. Me too. I really hope the wait for LTE in the Bay Area won't be as bad as it was for WiMax (still very limited). We're supposedly in round-one and there's not a single sign that it's coming.


    There have been lots of delays in the SFO market due to backhaul contract issues and local permitting. We will have a schedule update within the next week or so.



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