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Posts posted by S4GRU

  1. So with NV and the 800mhz band' date=' we won't see better data building penetration until LTE? From what I'm reading we'll only benefit from 1x... to me that doesn't sound so good for "better data" but I could be wrong as I'm no expert on networks etc... speeds of .2 - .5 are just absurd and basically not useable.


    Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2[/quote']


    You are correct. Better voice and 1x penetration with 800 CDMA in NV deployments in 2012 and 1st half of 2013. Second half of 2013 NV deployments will have 800 LTE and then they will start adding it to existing NV sites.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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  2. Does anybody know if you can use HD on YouTube when you are in 4G. Because the HD button disappears when you are on 3G. If HD is on 4G' date=' when it comes to Knoxville my usage is gonna be massive, lol.[/quote']


    I can use HD on my E4GT on EVDO. I think it is dependent on throughout speed at the time, not the signal type.


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner

  3. Agreed - Sprint really needs to remember that the average Joe doesn't know what 4G is, if they get it, what it does, etc.


    They really need to step up their game and clearly communicate to customers what to expect.


    I think we've all heard one too many stories about a certain sprint store rep promising 4G coverage "any day" to get that commission on a new phone sale.


    It also directly contradicts many ignorant communications we hear from store employees who say that it's OK to buy these 4G WiMax devices now, because it will work on the LTE network. Granted, these are isolated incidents, but cause a huge black eye for Sprint because they often are very publicized.



    • Like 4
  4. I also noticed this disclaimer at the bottom of the e-mail. First time I have seen this:


    Sprint 4G LTE network is expected in midyear 2012 in limited markets, on select devices. Unless otherwise noted, Sprint 4G LTE devices will not operate on the Sprint 4G (WiMAX) network; Sprint 4G (WiMAX) devices will not operate on the Sprint 4G LTE network. Until 4G LTE coverage is available, you'll enjoy 3G coverage nationwide.


    Although, of course, we have all known this for a long time. First time I've seen Sprint announce it directly to customers. Good move.

  5. Just got an email:


    Thanks again for pre-ordering the new HTC EVO™ 4G LTE from Sprint.


    This revolutionary smartphone is available to the public on Friday, May 18. So we'll do our absolute best to make sure you get yours first. Soon, you'll have unlimited access to all the things you love, only from Sprint.


    We're processing your order now so look for your shipping confirmation email informing you of the specific carrier used for delivery, as well as the tracking number on the day that your phone ships.


    Just got the same e-mail. :tu:



  6. Great...now you all are going to get S4GRU shut down for hate speech. The thought police are coming. :lol:


    Seriously though, I can see why you guys may confuse gender in this example. However, now that we have confirmed that Miriam is indeed female, lets not get personal. Thanks!


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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  7. As disappointing as it may be, there are cities larger than Raleigh that will start NV/LTE much later. Raleigh has a very coveted spot in the schedule for a city its size. My market, Albuquerque, is near the end.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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  8. :rofl:


    Its funny. But there is a sad truth underneath all the humor. AT&T is so rediculous. And their anti-competitive nature shows through more and more every time they speak. They are just becoming more despised in the eye of the American consumer. Their punitive raising of prices is going to backfire on them. Stupid.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  9. I have had some dropped calls' date=' and really bad static in my phone lately. Data speeds has been terribly bad! Some of the towers are over capacity.....They said have to put up more T1 lines to help the coverage, and data issues. Been very disappointed lately. Sprint (Ticket Services) even call me back to tell me when they estimated time would be for the little update to be complete....smh...September 1, 2012...that is way too long. LTE won't drop for Raleigh/Durham til sometime in 2013, so they need to fix these issues![/quote']


    LTE wont complete in RDU until 2013. But it starts this year.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  10. Now I see it is saying Q4 release. Sprint Lab schedules don't go out that far. Devices that far out may not even actually release. Until it shows up for lab testing, there is just no way to know how far it will get through Product Development. And we cant put much thought in the case because it would be an early prototype.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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  11. I viewed http://s4gru.com/ind...sionlte-market/. Any updates on when the area in yellow (NYC and the suburbs) will have LTE for Sprint? I am really interested in getting the EVO LTE at launch but I was wondering when NYC's suburbs would be seeing LTE. Sorry if this has already been answered somewhere. I just want to find out to try to make the best decision about whether or not to use my upgrade and stay with Sprint or move over to Virgin pre-paid where they are getting 4G WiMAX at the end of the month to save some money until LTE is rolled out. I don't want to sign a new 2 year contract if I am not going to have LTE for a long time. I asked Sprint when I called but they couldn't give me any answers. My area is highlighted in yellow Northwest of NYC. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place.


    We will be creating a series of market update articles in the next few weeks and will cover the progress in market like New York. But until then, LTE sites are scheduled to start coming live in the NYC market in June.



    • Like 5
  12. Not surprising since they did not do it at the unveil in NYC.


    Yes. However, the NYC unveil was only announced a few weeks in advance. CTIA was known a long, long time in advance. Like, as they were making initial NV/LTE plans. Summer 2011 they didn't know when/where they would announce a new EVO LTE. But they did know where CTIA was going to be.



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  13. Found the Austin map in the sponsor area, the first three towers I posted are AU73XC460, DA04XC049, and AU73XC461 respectively. Not sure why the tower at 3460 N Lakeline blvd has a DA at the beginning. Robert if you update those with the relative times NV work starts I'll go take pictures as work progresses.


    AU73XC460 - August

    DA04XC049 - September

    AU73XC461 - August



  14. I definately agree with the 700Mhz... it will be an amazing thing when sprint turn on their 800mhz band next year. I'm really rooting for sprint.


    Sprint says in their lab reports that the signal difference between 700MHz and 800MHz is only 3%. So we should notice virtually no difference between Verizon LTE and Sprint 800 LTE, when it goes live.



    • Like 5
  15. bad news.... went into a trader joes less than 1 mile from the live LTE tower tonight, and it was dropping to 3G with 1 bar just walking around the store, walked out the door, went back up to 4G LTE..... signal penetration is very very bad compared to our verizon LTE...... *so far* anyways. I guess its important to note that I had 4 bars of verizon LTE 4G on our other phone walking around the store, with verizon LTE on the same tower as the sprint LTE


    map below is my LTE tower with line tool to the trader joes I was in... 4000 feet away from eachother.



    700MHz will penetrate much better, no doubt. LTE 1900 signal should perform about the same signal intensity as the 3G. No one should expect a stronger signal on Sprint LTE than Sprint 3G.


    We don't know what the downtilt is of that sector either. It may be that another site is actually pointed at that area. One that hasn't had LTE lit up, yet.



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