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Posts posted by S4GRU

  1. It seems to me that people know that LTE is somehow different than other 4G, and maybe better. But I am asked all the time...what is the difference between 4G and LTE by non-techies. FWIW...


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  2. We will not tolerate posts that are directed at members. This thread has been cleaned up. Keep it civil to each other or I will issue official warnings to the offending parties. Thank you for your immediate compliance.



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  3. im starting to wonder if the gel case was a pre-emptive antennagate fix... just sayin.


    There was no mention specifically of any antenna issues in lab tests. However, there were the LTE Connectivity issues. I guess its possible that was antenna related. Interesting...


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  4. At least we can see that the evo can connect to lte


    Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2


    The LTE connectivity issue wasn't that it couldn't connect, it was that it could not keep the signal. It would disconnect during data sessions sometimes and revert to eHRPD. I would like to find a S4GRU member who gets a LTE signal on their EVO and start running a battery of tests so we can confirm whether the connectivity issues have been resolved.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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  5. Is sprint going to use a new "logo" 4G LTE indicator on phones like Verizon and AT&T or go with just 4G. In the picture of the Evo it is just 4G.


    Seems like if they want to keep customers informed about their technology they would differentiate them?


    So far, the GNex, Viper and EVO all just have "4G" without any use of unique logo or reference to LTE. I have seen a few people that seem disappointed with this approach. Probably a missed opportunity.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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