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Posts posted by S4GRU

  1. I've been called many things' date=' but astute? I thought you guys kept it classy around here.[/quote']


    I wish someone would call me astute. In the past 24 hours I have been called a hack, a fraud, a liar, publicity seeker, a fool, a pot stirrer...etc. All for sticking my neck out there and report something that was so bold in the face of all conventional wisdom.


    If Engadget reported the same thing S4GRU did, most people would assume its true. No respect for the little guys.


    People don't get that we are not a commercial site. We don't make money. More hits to our pages doesn't make us more money. In fact, it just drives up our costs. We have no incentive to make up stories to try to draw more traffic.


    Also, the people who do donate to help pay our expenses largely do because the quality of the information they receive. So what little revenue stream we have in donations would stop if we started posting bogus stories to try to drive traffic.


    Unfortunately, even being proven right will not be enough for the naysayers out there. They aren't looking for reliable and advanced information. They are trolling for the next opportunity to bash someone. Its kind of pathetic.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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  2. As pointed out above by our astute members, the sitting on customs for a month comment from Reuters doesn't pass the smell test. They couldn't be held prior to April 19th. So we know if anything was held, it was after that.


    Also, if anything started to be held in April, it most likely was the One X. I don't think that significant EVO LTE shipments started showing up that early. The EVO wasn't even cleared from the lab until the end of April.


    Most likely customs issues were already starting to occur as EVO LTEs started to arrive state side the first week of May or so. But I don't go along with the assumption that EVOs have been sitting in warehouses stateside since Mid April based on the quotes.


    What may be a fair deduction is that Sprint knew about issues in customs that ATT was having with the One X some time after April 19th. But we shouldn't conclude at this point that the EVO has been held that long based on the quotes released thus far.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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  3. If June 10th turns out to be right, then it's just coincidence. Unless Sprint always was counting on there being a delay on the device because of the ITC issue, but later thought they would skate through and moved up the launch to the 18th. Although, that doesn't seem plausible to me.


    I published the docs where June 10th launch came from. And in the issues report, there is no mention of delays associated with customs or the ITC...only LTE Connectivity issues. However, my source in this instance is lab reports. I cant imagine lab reports ever mentioning something like Customs issues.


    If it is accurate that these devices have been sitting in a warehouse being held for over a month...well, it just seems crazy. If this drags out more than 2-3 weeks, this could kill Sprint. OG EVO customers will start coming off contract and bailing without their new EVO LTE's. This is a disaster.


    Steve Jobs must be laughing hysterically.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  4. Sprint awards backhaul contracts based on regions within a market. Since the regions cover several ILECs in most cases, Sprint ends up using a backhaul vendor that is third party to the ILECs and arranges several types of backhaul, depending on the availability at each site within their contract area.


    The successful backhaul bidder in an area will most likely need to mix fiber, AAV and microwave over many site locations in order to get enhanced backhaul at each that meets the minimum backhaul requirements outlined in the contract.


    So if "Bidder A" wins the contract for the Northern part of the DFW market, they may have to provide the backhaul for every site between Carrollton and Sherman. In most cases, an ILEC wont bid on a backhaul region like that. Unless they already service most of that area. If an ILEC does bid, then they are agreeing to act as a third party to secure service of other backhaul vendors within their contract in the areas outside their service area. Or they may set up microwave links to serve the out of service areas. There are many options to skin the cat.


    However, there are many regions where the successful bidder is not an ILEC. Some are third party companies who just arrange and manage backhaul over their region and do not provide any direct backhaul service themselves. Also, many of the backhaul contract winners are cable companies.


    Its all very interesting and very complex.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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  5. Robert, I live in Collin County just east of Mckinney/Fairview near Lavon Lake. Wimax ends about 200 yards from my property. 3G has "improved" in the last few months to 600kbps-2mbps. ATT & Verizon have a tower on County Road 324 nearby. Any good Sprint LTE news for a hopeful long time Sprint customer?



    Most of the sites between McKinney/Fairview and the Lake are in July/August. However, the one near McKinney Airport is scheduled for late June. And the one in Central McKinney is in September.



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  6. http://s4gru.com/ind...-schedule-maps/

    It shows a tower in Euless (west of the airport) on the list and one in The Colony, I do realize that its not neighborhood by Neighborhood I was just saying If I cant even make a call now I will be surprised if I ever see LTE or even 3G in my house. Just saying. Heck Even Tom Bean has one listed, Really Tom Been but no Little Elm. Come on who lives in Tom Bean Do they even have High speed internet? Kinda wish I could interact with those maps though.

    Also cant really tell but Looks like Bohnam is getting a tower. Cant tell With Sherman (thats where I moved from thank God) but there is a tower just due east of sherman. I guess If I would have moved even further poe dunc I could use LTE but since I moved closer to the metro I cant, go figure. I am going to my rental house in sherman Saturday I will drive through Van Alstyne I will check on my way through at 75+MPH just dont tell the police That. :)


    Since Sprint LTE will initially be deployed on 1900MHz spectrum, the coverage will be nearly identical to 3G. So if you don't get a 3G signal now, you probably won't get a LTE signal either. That being said, Sprint Network Vision signals go approximately 20% farther than their legacy signals do now. So if you are currently right on the edge of service, you may get a slight improvement in signal. Maybe one bar more in your signal strength indicator.


    If you do currently get a poor 3G signal (like one bar), LTE may not be too bad for you. You won't get 30Mbps speeds with one bar LTE service, but you may get 3 to 4Mbps, and that would likely be a much better improvement than what you have now.


    S4GRU Sponsors do have the ability to pan around and zoom in on those maps (and many others too). S4GRU is a not for profit site and we count on the donations from our members to pay our expenses and keep us online.



  7. Not to Be cynical but I live in Little Elm but not the conventional Little Elm. I live north of Lakewood Village on that peninsula but still technically in Little Elm. Long story short after moving here I cant even make a call from my house even though it says strong signal for talk and text. I am doubful I will ever see LTE at my house but Ironically it says Wimax on street but barely on the boarder of in house by sprints map but Clearwire says in house neither here nor there but I still have yet to find a LTE signal anywhere in DFW, and I have been all over the place. Acording to a different post It says this month you should have it just west of DFW airport. I will believe it when I see it. Kinda think I should have got a SGSII instead of the GN


    In DFW (and most markets), deployment is tower by tower, not neighborhood by neighborhood. Which post says the area west of DFW Airport will be deployed?



  8. I'm just wondering how normal it is for brand new phones to be imported the day of or the day before they are supposed to be shipped to customers? Logic would tell me they'd have been arriving over the last four or five days to prepare to send them out.


    Edit: Sprint in the last fifteen minutes has removed the pre-order option and no longer features the phone on the front page.


    Just in time shipments/supply chain management is the way of the world now in electronics.



    • Like 1
  9. I'm guessing this is why Wirefly starting telling people their orders would be delayed 2-3 weeks.


    I hadn't heard about that. Post a link when you get a chance.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


    thanks for the update on that....


    This will truly be a first for Sprint missing a date like this on a launch after taking pre-orders and all...least one that I have been involved in at least...


    I'm used to the status update for the orders being all screwy as they have with both last EVO pre-orders I've had. learned to just not read into them less they say flat out cancel or you see someone get theirs that ordered after you and you still show no tracking number at all...


    pretty crazy stuff overall...really was hoping all this reaction was because people hoping they would get theirs early and all' date=' even though as long as they ship thursday the date is still met fine...


    If its software related, then gotta think its gotta be something completely unexpected last min...wonder what it could be...wouldn't think the LTE issue in lab would be enough to change plans last min really...[/quote']


    Yeah, I never read much into the status changes really. Also, doesn't sound like it is the LTE lab issue since that has been a known issue for quite awhile now. I hope to know more in the morning.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


    for the first time...I just dunno if im buying this one here honestly...Stores have evidently already received some shipments as of today...These things ship straight from the UPS main Hub in Kentucky' date=' so they can ship wayyyy late night tonight and still be considered as shipped today and people would start seeing them tomorrow...[/quote']


    You don't need to buy, because I'm not selling. :)


    First off, the report I have run with doesn't say that none of the devices will ship. Just that there are problems and it may impact deliveries, but the extent of the impact is still unknown.


    Also, the confirmed shipments/store reports that are being discussed online today are only anecdotal so far, not widespread reports. We know hundreds of people who have ordered, and none of the people we know have received confirmations. Including yours truly.


    According to the source, there is a big meeting in the morning to discuss what the impacts are completely and how they plan to inform and mitigate the impacts. But effective immediately, they are no longer supposed to reference the May 18th launch date until further notice.


    Believe it...don't believe it. Doesn't matter to me. I just report it, and it was corroborated now with a second Sprint source. He received the email not to reference the 18th launch date until further notice.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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  12. Ah. On Teasley Lane, down the road from my house, a massive tower was erected. VZW is on that tower. I suspect they'll mount on that. I REALLY hope they do because I live close to it.


    Thanks for the update, Robert.


    Sprint already has two sites off Teasley Lane. They will upgrade these sites to Network Vision and add LTE at that time. The big tower near the NW corner of Teasley and Ranchman is supposed to come online with LTE in Mid-June. The other one is a monopole tower on the south side of Guyer High School. It is scheduled to come online with LTE in Mid-August.


    Then there is another one off the I-35E Frontage near Tingley behind the Hooters scheduled for Mid August as well.



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  13. I'm in Corinth, Tx, just across Lake Lewisville from bluepoint951.

    Sprint coverage is OK at best, 4G (WiMax) only along the Interstate.


    However, we got a new iPad and we signed up for the Verizon 4G LTE.


    Sitting on our back porch, we saw speeds in excess of 10Mb down and 4Mb up.


    Sprint would be crazy to ignore the Denton Area. It's exploding in population, traffic, and economy. The Lewisville, Flower Mound, Lake Cities area is ground zero for some of the highest population growth.


    Frankly, if it weren't for Sprint's unlimited data plans, we'd would switch to VZW. If their LTE coverage is as good as their WiMax, we probably will switch.


    They aren't ignoring Denton, or the northern burbs. Network Vision contractors are deploying on towers as backhaul comes available to them. The backhaul is not ready in Lewisville/Denton areas yet. But they will start coming online in June and run all through the summer. We keep a thread for S4GRU Sponsors where we update completed sites every week.



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