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Posts posted by S4GRU

  1. I'm hoping that some of the leases on the iDEN only sites don't expire for a couple years and Sprint could then use the existing structure to add CDMA equipment if their finances improve. I'm not an RF engineer, but it's not hard to see that Baton Rouge needs more sites. The iDEN only sites are all over the place here and would be perfect for filling in major coverage holes and making this market a very solid competitor to the big 2. If the leases expire and Sprint decides they want to add sites here later on, it'll be just like you said Robert in that the barrier to entry will be much more expensive.


    It's my understanding that Sprint is negoatiating up front lease termination fees now with decommissioning. I don't think they are holding on to leases for some possible future expansion.



  2. So, we post paid subscribers pay $10 for premium data on top of the plan costs and have to deal with our data connections timing out because they are so slow, but Sprint thought it was a good idea to bring in another MVNO while their network is junk and it appears that they can have an unlimited data plan for $19/month.


    I know people will say that Sprint bringing in extra money is a good thing, but I fail to see the silver lining when the network doesn't work and they don't have a lot of spectrum.


    Can their network really handle more subscribers at this time?


    They do have enough spectrum. Sprint is not spectrum deficient. The amount of customers that Sprint will get on their network from this is negligible. Maybe one million new customers in a year, and spread all over the country. If Sprint gained one million new post paid subscribers, no one would be complaining.


    Network Vision will make Sprint's network very capable to serve many MVNO's. Most of Sprint's 3G woes are related to backhaul, and the backhaul issues get resolved in Network Vision upgrades. Sprint cannot wait for its network upgrades to be 100% complete before working on increasing revenue. It needs to increase revenue ASAP by every means necessary. Sprint is fighting for its survival.



  3. By my estimation back in 2011, Sprint would only need to keep 1,000 iDEN only sites of the Nextel network and convert to Network Vision. This would provide NV/LTE coverage in current Non-CDMA areas that are covered by iDEN. This included using strategic sites to create better urban density in places that appeared under served (like Baton Rouge).


    Although rural iDEN sites are spaced on 800, they could be deployed with 800 CDMA now, so the impact wouldn't affect those with 800 CDMA devices. And the 1900 could just be islands. Islands of coverage in rural areas are much preferred over nothing. We have lots of towns here in the rural west that just have one Sprint site. Not that big of a deal, really.


    However, Sprint is counting on the operational cost projections of a 38,000 site network. And the cost savings of decommissioning the entire Nextel network...every site. Even 1,000 sites is too many for Sprint to try to absorb at this time.


    It is tragic that once Sprint loses these sites, there will be no easy way to come back and add service in the future. The barrier to entry for service in the old iDEN areas will be the same as starting service in any new coverage area, once the leases are terminated.


    And although I am disappointed that iDEN only sites in Non-CDMA coverage areas will not be converted to NV, I am looking forward to Sprint getting on its feet financially. It will allow them to keep up with the LTE capacity curve of adding carriers timely.


    I also think that Sprint will start adding coverage after a year or so of financial stability (or dare I say even profit). But I think their model for additional coverage will be solely based on where they pay the most in roaming fees. It will be very targeted expansion. Where it basically pays for itself.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

  4. My order from Sprint for my EVO LTE went to this' date=' "Your order or a portion of your order is in backorder status. If you would like to select an alternate product or cancel your backordered item, please call 866-789-8292 between 8:00 a.m. EST to 11:00 p.m. EST Monday to Friday or 9:00 a.m. EST to 9:00 p.m. EST on Saturdays and Sundays.Please note that cancellation requests may not always process successfully due to the speed of warehouse processing.If you cancelled your backordered item but still received a shipment, please refuse the shipment or call us to process a return within 14 days of receipt." O_O No wonder why they said that they will "try their best."[/quote']


    I got the same email when I initially pre-ordered, but the status changed the next day.


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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  5. @s4gru / Robert....



    33.91885566626313' date=' -83.37689492713358,

    2145 S Milledge Ave, Athens, GA 30605, USA


    did not turn on on 5/12 as planned, or at least as far as I can tell. i live 1 mile from the tower and have tried it a few times over the last few days, power cycling and what not. are you provided exceptions when those towers don't turn on in time?[/quote']


    1. Provided exceptions? No. Seems like few are hitting their schedule dates exactly.


    2. Can you tell which LTE sites are on-air, but being blocked by Sprint? Does it show this on your device?


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


    Robert' date=' can you confirm whether they do or don't assess that fee? It would be the deciding factor as to whether I sell my Nexus S after my EVO LTE arrives.[/quote']


    Sounds like others have confirmed for me. :)


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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