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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. brain drain Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  2. sex change Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  3. Its probably temporary prior to launch. I had the same issue here in NM with VZW LTE on pre launch sites. I was pulling 15Mbps upload, but only 7-8Mbps down. After launch it went to normal. I never understood why. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  4. jean shorts Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  5. network.sprint.com does not show Network Vision upgrades. It only shows network maintenance work. Also, network.sprint.com does not show every Sprint site. Only the sites with network maintenance work scheduled in a six month rolling window. We have maps in our Sponsor section that show locations of all Sprint sites in the country. Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  6. Odor Eater Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  7. I didn't say they do not have any way. The new network is very immature and just starting to be deployed. What I did say is that leaving Sprint will not relieve you of the burden of ever having to report an overburdened carrier. Networks are dynamic and loads ebb and flow. On all networks. Period. With 38,000 sites, Sprint will have a hard time monitoring the network to the degree many people would like. And Sprint will likely eventually discover that the site is overburdened and needs new carriers on its own. However, you would likely speed up the process by reporting it and get a ticket opened up. But if you want to wait until it works itself out, that's fine. I was stuck at <3Mbps speeds on Verizon LTE for my hot spot for two weeks on one specific tower. After two weeks, I called them and reported it. The problem has been addressed and speeds are up to 9Mbps. I don't even know what they did, because I know they didn't add a LTE carrier. I guess I could say that Verizon has a new state of the art LTE network and they just need to figure it out or I'm leaving. Or I can be realistic and report the issue. The choice is yours. Some people are victims of their circumstances and run around and complain and throw up their arms. Others are victors over their circumstances and try to do something about it. Since you are a member of S4GRU, you have a lot of information to help you. What you choose to do with it is up to you. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  8. In the Sponsor section we have maps that show every Sprint site in every market. Are you saying you have found NV sites under way? Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  9. pancake house Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  10. doll furniture Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  11. Morning Train Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  12. Look, the bottom line is if there are not enough carriers to handle the load, Sprint needs to know so they can add more. This is an easily fixable problem in most instances. You are not being realistic. Sprint is adding additional carriers in Network Vision in places where they are needed. However, they cannot determine how much usage will occur on a site after its starts running well. They can only make an educated guess. They may even have to add more carriers than they anticipated. People start using their devices more and more when data returns, and usage skyrockets. I don't know if you realize, but even Verizon adds EVDO carriers to sites based on feedback it gets from customers. The Verizon site near my house dropped to 200k downloads. My friend complained to Verizon several times, but they eventually added another carrier and speeds are back above 1mbps. Wireless networks and specific site performance is dynamic. Every carrier will experience capacity issues and need to add carriers. That being said, all the other points made about additional sites coming online and LTE are true and will help 3G capacity and performance as well. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  13. I think backhaul needs to get far enough out (maybe 30-40 sites) before Ericsson and the subcontractors will mobilize. Otherwise, if the backhaul doesn't stay far enough out ahead, they will run into schedule issues with lots of workers standing around waiting for another site. If the deployment is too inefficient, the subcontractors will start complaining about change orders. I see it happen all the time in my line of work. Robert
  14. Yes. The network in the Orlando area is very poor and needs to be upgraded (especially in the high density tourist areas). Battery life can really suffer when you are in areas with poor signal or overburdened, because your device is constantly searching for a better connection and your data usage takes longer and more battery life to complete the same tasks. Next year's trip will probably be vastly different as Network Vision will be wrapping up in this area when you go back. They desperately need the upgrade. Robert
  15. No way, no how will there be a Chicago roll-out tomorrow. If anything, they may see that nearby towers are supposed to be complete with NV upgrades. But I am even skeptical of that. Robert You may want to get a WiMax hotspot to use with your GS-III in the interim. I would hate to go back myself to the Epic. Heck, I wouldn't even want to go back to the E4GT. You may even be able to get Sprint to give you the hotspot for a severe discount because of it being a customer service issue. Robert I can't see this happening. I am willing to entertain bets on this (where permissible by law). Robert
  16. Some Round Two markets are starting work. We have not heard any reports that any work has begun yet in this market. Robert
  17. S4GRU

    Lumia 920 and 820

    I prefer this version:
  18. We do have lists of 3rd and 4th Round markets. However, there has been too much jockeying in them, that we do not feel comfortable releasing them. We are hoping that we will see more concrete schedules in the Fall. We will announce cities when we feel good about the schedules we are seeing. I can't imagine that being for another 45-60 days. Robert
  19. I was aware of the conversion of ethernet backhaul into "T1" service for 1x/voice. I have also seen this video before. But I had never considered a delay in the conversion equipment at Ericsson sites as a possible culprit of why 4G is going live without 3G. Interesting to consider. Thanks for the post. Robert
  20. The Norfolk market is scheduled to have started by now. It may be Network Vision related. We are just waiting for confirmation that work is under way by an observant S4GRU member watching towers. Robert
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