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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. I used 8.6GB on just one of my devices running performance tests in 72 hours in Waco this past Labor Day weekend. Speed tests really add up. Robert
  2. There are currently 3 sites complete with LTE improvements in the Springfield area. More will be added in the coming weeks. We track completed NV/LTE sites in our NV Sites Complete thread that gets updated every week. It is in our Sponsor section. For more information about becoming a Sponsor, you can visit this thread: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/ Robert
  3. No. There are no LTE Advanced devices on the market yet. There probably won't be any until 2013. However, I'm not sure that anyone has any plans to deploy a LTE Advanced network in the way that a LTE Advanced device will be needed for a few years. And LTE Advanced is backwards compatible with LTE devices anyway. So LTE devices will be able to function on LTE Advanced networks just fine, but not with all the new advantages. But at least a new device will not be needed to operate on it. Robert
  4. You may already know this, but that -73dBm signal shown in NetMonitor is actually the 1x signal strength. NetMonitor never shows the actual LTE signal strength, unfortunately, nor the actual LTE site location. But it will tell you whether you have an active LTE data session. The only place to get the actual LTE signal strength in a LTE device is in the ##DEBUG# menu in the LTE Engineering screen. Robert
  5. If Sprint did get into a roaming agreement with Verizon, you could bet it would only connect to Verizon LTE when there is no Sprint 3G signal at all. There aren't many places that have no Sprint 3G, but do have Verizon LTE. Not many places at all. Rapid City, South Dakota. Robert
  6. So true. Until LTE is rolled out on every site in a market, there is going to be mass confusion about LTE performance. People are going to wonder what the problem is when they think they have full bars of LTE that is pulling down less than 3Mbps. They are going to assume that Sprint is already experiencing LTE congestion. When in reality they just have a really weak LTE signal and just have no idea that it's weak because they have full bars in their strength indicator. I am constantly having to explain this over and over. I am going into detail about it in my Waco FIT article so I will have a reference doc to refer people to about it. Robert
  7. Go into your telephone dialer. Enter ##DEBUG#, and your Debug menu will open. Then select LTE Engineering. The RSRP is the actual LTE signal strength. Less than -96dBm is a great signal Between -97dBm and -107dBm is good Between -108dBm and -114dBm is fair More than -115dBm is poor Robert
  8. Not west of Springfield, yet. The Pittsfield area will be one of the last parts converted in the Boston market. Robert
  9. Yes. But it doesn't appear to be one of the first sites. But it should be complete before the market wraps up. Robert
  10. Unless you actually see NV panels on the Sprint sites in your area, it probably just means upgraded backhaul in your area. Robert
  11. I would use LTE in my home when it first shows up just for grins and putting it through the ringer for a few weeks. But to stay on there indefinitely is certainly wasteful. All wireless networks are a shared resource. Robert
  12. I personally don't say they have anything to do with NV (although I have seen others say that). I like to say they have to do with maintenance upgrades. If a post NV site needs additional voice or EVDO carriers, they will likely show up on network.sprint.com all the same as legacy sites. I do like people to understand though upgrades shown at network.sprint.com are not an indication of Network Vision starting in a market. People often get excited in non NV markets when they see maintenance upgrades appearing even though these are not a sign of Network Vision or LTE. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  13. It must have only been on temporarily for testing. Robert
  14. It will technically be able to work on Verizon. However, will Verizon let unlocked phones from the Sprint network on theirs is the million dollar question? There is no reason for them not to. But it's not known at this time. You could sell it on eBay and then buy a used VZW iPhone 5 in its place. Robert
  15. Yes. This device will support Sprint's LTE network. It will not, however, support simultaneous voice and LTE data usage. Robert
  16. Since you are in a launched market, you will likely be able to keep this signal. Robert
  17. Quite possible. But it's not officially behind schedule yet. Robert
  18. I have created a new pinned thread to report Shentel LTE sightings: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2022-report-shentel-lte-sightings-here/
  19. I have created a pinned topic for Shentel LTE sightings: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2022-report-shentel-lte-sightings-here/
  20. I am starting a new thread to track live LTE Shentel sightings here. We will add these locations to the NV Sites Complete map. We currently have one confirmed LTE location confirmed in Hagerstown, Maryland at: 39.64,-77.70 Please post your Speed Test screen shots which show your GPS Coords, like this one: Shentel coverage areas run along the I-81 corridor from Southern Virginia, through Western Maryland up in to Central Pennsylvania around Harrisburg.
  21. It happens all the time. Leases end and they are unable to renew or the renewal terms were not acceptable. Or it could be that the site could not be NV upgradable. Nothing too unusual. They probably already have the replacement site up and running or will in the near future. Robert
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