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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Yeah, I suppose technically the panel is just the housing. And the housing provides no functionality except to protect the internal antennas from the elements. So the panel ain't nothing but a thang, all things considered. Robert
  2. Yeah, that would be a new one. We have never had a CDMA 800 acceptance before a 3G. Not once. They sometimes are together, though. It may be not an acceptance issue, but a live date issue. For instance, it's possible that the CDMA 800 and CDMA 1900 get accepted on the same date, but the CDMA 1900 waits a few months to go live until the whole cluster is ready. Whereas the CDMA 800 can go live at any time and doesn't require a cluster. Robert
  3. I know this may be hard to believe for some, but I had never seen inside a panel that close up before. Thanks for sharing! Robert
  4. Sorry, I missed that. Sprint and Virgin mobile coverage is the same, when on network. The difference is, is that Sprint postpaid customers can roam on other networks. Virgin Mobile customers do not roam off network, and only have a signal when on the Sprint network. Robert
  5. Yes, absolutely. But if they move the location of the site, they will have to make sure that the change in number of POP's covered at the new site is still sufficient. Robert
  6. Yeah, it sucks, but It is much better than drowning on snot, I've found. Having a severe juniper allergy and living in New Mexico is not a good combination. Robert
  7. Why the bump? Hasn't your question been answered? Robert
  8. Ummmmm... The steroids are taken orally for severe allergies. However, I like the mental imagery you present. My ass! Robert
  9. Digiblur created a very helpful thread titled How to Spot Sprint Panels & RRU's (Ericsson style). I've always wanted for someone to come along and create one for Samsung and Alcatel Lucent markets. So that is my request. I'd love for one of our members to take on one of these OEM's and provide a similar thread for Samsung or AlcaLu. There is plenty of pictures in these forums alone to be able to create the same thing for the others. You can use a similar format that Digi used. It shouldn't be much work, except scouting photos. Anyone is welcome to do it. You don't have to a Premier Sponsor, but it would be helpful to be at least a Sponsor so you can have access to a lot more photos from other members. If you are interested in doing this, respond below. Only respond if you are able to get started on this in the next day or two. We wouldn't want to hold it up for someone who can do it a few weeks from now if there is someone that can do it in the near future. Thanks in advance, Robert
  10. No, it wouldn't effect us at all. We can sell something and have the money go to our bottom line without it being profit. It's just net gain to our fund. I can't imagine it raising much money at all. If we grossed $1000 after a year toward our fund, I'd be surprised. But if it's easy to manage because a 3rd party does all the work via a website, and there is appropriate interest, it seems like a good idea. Robert
  11. I could see doing all three of these, seriously. I love it!!! Robert
  12. I know you're a little younger than me, so I wasn't sure if you'd get the reference. Robert
  13. Charlie is a mal-informed individual. He has to have gotten his money by his ruthlessness. I cannot believe he wants to get into a new business field and even purchase several businesses in something he has no personal or intimate knowledge of. AJ and I could run a wireless company better than he could, with access to half his capital. "You've got the brains. I've got the brawn. Let's make lots of money!" Robert
  14. This is the one! I LOVE IT!!!!! Robert
  15. Now he will look at you like, "WTF is S4GRU?" Robert
  16. I could see that. Like, "Do not disturb, mapping in progress." I bet AJ could come up with some funny and fitting bumper stickers. Robert
  17. I think it may be time for some S4GRU Logo items for sale. Get our logo out there, and show everyone else your S4GRU Pride! Gifts for the kiddies. I'm thinking things like T-shirts, coffee mugs,baseball caps, swag like keychains or pens. What ever people may want. First, I want to know if this is something of interest to you. Be honest. If you would never buy anything with the S4GRU logo, please say so. I won't allow people to pick on you for not being prideful enough in S4GRU. I need honest answers to gauge interest. We would charge a noticeable mark up as a means to try to generate funds for the site. It would like be a way to donate money to S4GRU and get a gift in return. Additionally, if any of you know of a good quality/decently priced firm to do small, on demands orders like this, then I would love to hear about it. Other than Vista Print, I don't know much. And I hear they are expensive. And this may be a project I'd be willing to delegate if someone wanted to take it on for S4GRU. Sound off below, please!
  18. I'm not sure about that. I think we live in a smartphone world, so we tend to think in terms of people we know of. However, if you took a poll of *EVERYONE*, including all the old people in this country, I think you would be surprised about the results. Besides, we do not have a spectrum crunch. We have a spectrum allocation and efficiency problem. Robert
  19. They should allow people to use their 300MB any way they want. I think I have used hotspot with VZW EVDO roaming before on a rooted device, though. So that may be a work around. Robert
  20. You can. And I suggest you do that. But anything that has a Sprint confidentiality notice on it, I do not share. It would be the end of S4GRU. Robert
  21. I cannot publish it. It has a Sprint confidentiality notice on it. I have been thinking of creating my own for publishing, though. It will not be in the very near future, though. Robert
  22. Many good points. And the amount of geographic area covered between 225M POP's and 290M is huge. 225M POP's just is little islands around urban areas. That extra 65M is everything in between. Maybe triple or quadruple the square mileage of just the 225M. Probably every 10M POP's after the first 225M bring a very significant increase in tertiary/rural coverage. I think most of us don't expect Tmo to start adding new sites to expand coverage. We're really talking about just adding HSPA/HSPA+ and, or LTE to their entire network. All those EDGE and GPRS sites that Tmo is spending so much money on providing T1's to. It will be cheaper in the long run to convert those to Ethernet backhaul and add high speed wireless service. T-Mobile probably is just banking on urban customers. Believing they can survive on that. But I believe that to be faulty logic. That assumes that urban customers always stay within their urban cluster. And maybe some do. But a large enough percentage of them care about extended coverage for varying reasons. Probably 40% or more. And that's too big of a number to ignore. I understand that Tmo has to choose their battles with the resources they have. And I would probably focus on urban first too if I was in their shoes. However, I think I would also have long term plans for the entire footprint and would be telling everyone about that. Give them hope to stay. Sprint has continually beat that drum, and it has probably helped keep millions. And if you want rural LTE coverage from someone other than VZW or ATT, Sprint will be the only option for millions. I always root for Tmo. Not just because I also have a Tmo phone, but because I root for every carrier that help keep the duopoly in check. The stronger Tmo is, the better it is for all consumers. Robert
  23. I prefer to sit and watch chicken fry. And the occasional whole turkey. Robert
  24. They need to keep the WiMax network operating until December 31, 2014. They don't necessarily have to provide the same coverage until that time. It just cannot drop below the minimum required by FCC Substantial Service Requirements. Sprint should, at a minimum consider consolidating all the WiMax sites that are colocated on the same site as Sprint into Network Vision. 40% of Clearwire sites are on the same site as Sprint. That's a lot of double overhead that can be reduced. And it would result in no change to the Clearwire WiMax footprint. But a cost/benefit analysis needs to be done. Because the cost to move WiMax to NV may not save over the cost of decommissioning those sites over that short of period. It seems like it would, but it should be studied. And I bet Sprint is doing or has done that already. Additionally, WiMax can be reduced down to one carrier as needed should more spectrum should be required. So I'm not concerned about WiMax spectrum needs interfering with LTE spectrum needs. Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD
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