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The new "free hotspot" feature has screwed me over.


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Before sprint jacked the price up by 15 dollars and gifted us all with 3GB of hotspot data usage, I had previously contact customer service and gained access to some special code that allowed me to unlock access to non root tethering without paying some crazy price for data I am already paying for.



After the price increase and the "free hotspot" with this anemic ass 3GB, I get a notification telling me I am 75% of the way to the "cap"  


(the ENTIRE reason I am with sprint is not having to deal with effing caps, I don't even use that much mobile data, maybe 5GB to 15GB per month, nothing crazy, but I take advantage of the hotspot for my notebook quite a bit)



WTF man, I don't want to have to deal with this sh*t.  I assume there is no way around having sprint track the data usage and meter it through the hotspot now (aside from a possible root)?  Is there a way to not have that weigh me down?  Because effectively, right now I am paying more money for less capability.


I can either pay more once the cap is reached, another FIFTEEN GOD DAMN DOLLARS for a SINGLE GB, it's like they tell me to open my mouth so they can spit in my face and down my throat.  I heard you might be able to keep using it at no cost at 2g speeds....


Sprints 3g speeds can be a disaster, and they want me to suffer at 2g speeds ?!??!?!!??



Now some of you will probably think I am being ridiculous, well whatever, I think this is garbage.  I can't be alone here, I can't believe everyone else is fine with is, if they are then everyone is taking crazy pills.

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You are being ridiculous. We are not going to host this rant. No one else offers unlimited tethering either. It would destroy Sprint in this day and age.


Sent from OnePlus 2 using Tapatalk

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Sprints 3g speeds can be a disaster, and they want me to suffer at 2g speeds ?!??!?!!??



Now some of you will probably think I am being ridiculous, well whatever, I think this is garbage.  I can't be alone here, I can't believe everyone else is fine with is, if they are then everyone is taking crazy pills.

They have to make a profit somehow.  If you want more high-speed data, you'll need to buy it.  I do think Sprint should at least match their pre-paid brand and give postpaid users at least 8GB of data.

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You are being ridiculous. We are not going to host this rant. No one else offers unlimited tethering either. It would destroy Sprint in this day and age.


Sent from OnePlus 2 using Tapatalk



There are different ways of handling things, you could limit the speed of lte to after a certain data usage amount, no more max speed but something as traffic allowed.  That would be fair, but that is not they are doing.

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They have to make a profit somehow.  If you want more high-speed data, you'll need to buy it.  I do think Sprint should at least match their pre-paid brand and give postpaid users at least 8GB of data.



Sprint is making a hell of a lot more profit per user on people like me, I am a single user with a single line, a family splits unlimited data on the phone service 3-4 ways, far more usage per dollar spent.


This is just a naked cash grab.  

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I guess the rot has run deep surrounding paying more money for tethering.  Everyone seems to accept it as perfectly reasonable.  So be it.  For what it's worth, I think all of you just have terribly low standards for what is reasonable to expect.  You are not content to pay for data, but you want to be charged extra depending on how you use that data you already paid for.  If a user is abusing unlimited, sprint and other companies should find ways to tamp down on them for using too much data, not going after user A for using 5GB of tethering while letting user B use thrice that amount through the phone or with wired tethering.



This obnoxious micromanaging and metering of how I use the data I already paid for is such a trash business model for the customer.  That so many accept it does not make it any less so.  

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There are other service providers out there... but I don't know of a single one that allows unlimited Hotspot. 


If you only use 5 to 15 gigs a month, consider moving *off* an unlimited plan. I have three lines and went to a 20GB plan (actually 40GB because it was a double data promo) and *all* 40GB are available for tethering. Without violating the ToS.

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You are being ridiculous. We are not going to host this rant. No one else offers unlimited tethering either. It would destroy Sprint in this day and age.


Sent from OnePlus 2 using Tapatalk

can we close this topic down? I see it as a negative impact on this forum...
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I guess the rot has run deep surrounding paying more money for tethering. Everyone seems to accept it as perfectly reasonable. So be it. For what it's worth, I think all of you just have terribly low standards for what is reasonable to expect. You are not content to pay for data, but you want to be charged extra depending on how you use that data you already paid for. If a user is abusing unlimited, sprint and other companies should find ways to tamp down on them for using too much data, not going after user A for using 5GB of tethering while letting user B use thrice that amount through the phone or with wired tethering.



This obnoxious micromanaging and metering of how I use the data I already paid for is such a trash business model for the customer. That so many accept it does not make it any less so.

So take go to another carrier and carrier forum to complain the same.
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