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Viper Release Imminent (but no official 4G LTE announcement)

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With the Viper set to be released on April 22nd, don't you think now is the time for Sprint to start releasing official 4G LTE coverage maps? I mean you would think that they want customers to know where the network is and where it is going. If they had a simple map that showed where LTE will be at release and where it will be within 3 months and 6 months, then customers would know when they should upgrade. I feel like they are setting themselves up for a lot of complaints when they release the phone and most of the users realize they do not have 4G LTE, or worse yet people that have 4G WiMAX and upgrade to 4G LTE only to realize they do not have it yet. This site has done wonders so I know what to expect, but the average customer I think will be upset by being kept in the dark. Thoughts?

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At release there will be no official 4g lte markets. Some sites may be up and operating but going through testing. The last thing sprint needs right now is angry customers expecting lte coverage on a map and not getting it. Instead sprint is simply saying LTE will be available by mid year in particular markets.

Also if early maps are released for particular projected coverage areas and it turns out after testing that area has changed I can see people getting even more upset just because a computer says there will be coverage doesn't mean in the real world it will be there.


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By what I've seen, Sprint is instructing their stores to alert customers that they have not launched their LTE network in their area. But they may "discover" LTE service earlier. So all of these active sites now would just be discovered.


I think its another attempt by Sprint to try to under promise and over deliver.


Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

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By what I've seen, Sprint is instructing their stores to alert customers that they have not launched their LTE network in their area. But they may "discover" LTE service earlier. So all of these active sites now would just be discovered.


I think its another attempt by Sprint to try to under promise and over deliver.


Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner


The under promise/ over deliver policy is probably the best thing anyone can ever do. Then there is no chance of disappointment for customers.

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