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What will become of legacy plans?


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I am currently on the Everything Data 1500 plan. This plan is no longer offered, but I intend to keep it for as long as I am permitted, despite many associates attempting to convince me to switch to a different plan. My questions are as follows:


1) is Sprint going to eventually force me off of this plan?


2) this plan used to include a discounted subsidized device, upgrades were available at 20 month intervals. Sprint has introduced a new upgrade policy effective 03.01.15, stating that upgrades may only be done in 24 month intervals. I assume this applies to ED 1500? Does this remove the availability of a subsidized device (possibly related to the new fcc unlocked device regulation) meaning I will have to finance, our buy device outright?


3) is there anything particular I should do that will help me stay on this plan, or a can Sprint eventually force me off? My father in law, for example, is still grandfathered on Verizon unlimited data, and they haven't had that option for years. Can I expect to keep this plan with unlimited data for a few years?


I know sprint had another plan (currently unavailable) that guaranteed unlimited data for the life of the line, it was offered a month or two after I joined Sprint.


Thank you for any information

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You can still get subsidized upgrades, just not as often (24 months vs 20 months). They actually changed the upgrade term for subsidized devices last year. I doubt they would force you off the plan anytime soon, it is possible to activate a new line of service on it still.


Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

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Thanks, I wasn't aware that it was changed last year, I upgraded my device at 20 months this year. Adding lines is actually another reason why I was asking, as my daughter is almost ready to have her own.


If you've done amy browsing on the official Sprint community forums, you'd see that it is rife with people who have encountered plan changes and bill increases when upgrading or adding lines. I'm aware that half of those complaints are bred from ignorance, but I've also been on the other side where my wife wasn't informed of the full consequences of making account changes.


That said, it's nice to have a knowledgeable community to turn to to avoid all that nonsense.

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I'm on ED 1500 and added a line last year. Amazon had a good deal on an htc m8 with a 2 yr service agreement, so I did that. In the process it changed my whole plan to My Way. After a call to sprint they were able to switch me back to my ED plan without much hassle. 

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Thanks, I wasn't aware that it was changed last year, I upgraded my device at 20 months this year. Adding lines is actually another reason why I was asking, as my daughter is almost ready to have her own.


If you've done amy browsing on the official Sprint community forums, you'd see that it is rife with people who have encountered plan changes and bill increases when upgrading or adding lines. I'm aware that half of those complaints are bred from ignorance, but I've also been on the other side where my wife wasn't informed of the full consequences of making account changes.


That said, it's nice to have a knowledgeable community to turn to to avoid all that nonsense.


The upgrade timing (20 vs 24) is based on your last upgrade.  If the upgraded was before the new policy, then that line would retained the 20 months for the next upgrade,  In you case since you upgraded this year which is after the new policy, if you check your current eligibility for the next upgrade should be using the 24 months cycle

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  • 6 months later...

I realize this topic is months old but it certainly applies to our family.


We are a 3 line Sprint family...have been for over a decade. I would like to make it 4 (adding a line) as one of our children is returning from Europe.


I guess we're on what is now known as a Legacy Plan--specifically, the Everything Data Family 1500 plan (with 3 lines).


Can I add a line to this plan...and still keep it?


In other words, we want the Everything Data Family 1500 plan while using 4 lines.


All those years ago (about six, I think)...adding a line resulting in an additional $19.99/month charge for the line...along with a $10.00/month smartphone charge.


In other words, adding a line increased a bill by thirty bucks (plus tax).


When I went from 2 lines to 3...I brought my own device and did it all online--it was a painless process.


I cannot find the option to do this now (from my Sprint account page).


Is what I am trying to do impossible now?


As always...thanks for a wonderful resource. I would have left Sprint if it wasn't for the hope this site provided...after all these years we're relatively happy with our 4G service.

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I guess we're on what is now known as a Legacy Plan--specifically, the Everything Data Family 1500 plan (with 3 lines).


Can I add a line to this plan...and still keep it?

I added my sister to my plan (ED 1500) at Best Buy late last year.  Maybe they can still add a line to your plan.  If not, you may need to call Sprint support.

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