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Sprint's request for customer feedback


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I read the transcript of Claure's analyst call yesterday and one thing really stuck out -- Claure and the Sprint Leadership team are keenly aware of their Net Promoter Score (NPS). 


NPS is currently the 'hot' thing in customer relations. In a nutshell, a company randomly sends out surveys to customers and asks a simple question - "How likely is it that you would recommend X to a friend or colleague?" - in this case, the 'X' is Sprint. You're given an eleven-step likert scale (0 - Not at all, to 10 - Very Likely) to rate that simple question.


0 through 6 rate as detractors (a/k/a, unhappy customers);

7 and 8 rate as passives (a/k/a, neither like nor dislike - 'meh');

9 and 10 rate as promoters (a/k/a, enthusiasts, very happy customers).


I just got a survey from Sprint, and thought I'd post this here so you know what you're getting if one comes your way, too.


The questions to answer:

1. "How likely is it that you would recommend Sprint to a friend or colleague?" (Rate from 0-10)


2. "Which factor most influenced you recommendation selection for Sprint"

  • Previous experience
  • Monthly cost/price of device
  • Data plan
  • Voice plans
  • Customer service
  • Billing/payment options
  • Bundled with other services
  • Specific phone/features
  • Network quality
  • Brand/image
  • Family plan
  • Other

3. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements (the usual Srongly Disagree to Strongly Agree scale appears for the following two statements):

  • I intend to continue as a customer of Sprint
  • I am willing to consider new offerings from Sprint

There's a lot of additional questions, but these are all directly tied to the metrics that I read about in the SeekingAlpha transcript. If you get the survey, I highly recommend being as frank and honest as possible -- that's the only way that they'll hear what you really want or need.

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You all should read The Circle by Dave Eggers. One part talks about CE reps which are Customer Experience or Customer Service reps. After the rep helped you with you problem, they would ask you to do a survey online he/she get rated on performance by the person that they were helping. The rating updates constantly so if the rep got got a less than desirable score they could follow up by email and ask how they could improve the score or if there is anything they could do to improve the score they received


Additionally, the company would try to route the same caller back to you if they called again for any reason.


That's how customer service should be.

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Here is Customer feed back......


try keeping your CURRENT customers happy


1 Day businesses will Learn this VERY important and somewhat inexpensive lesson


it is cheaper to keep a current customer even by giving some sort of break then it is to attract new customers...


now if you just plain suck, well there is nothing to help but get better...


However all you do is begin to irritate your current customer base, when they continually see DEEP discounts for new people rather then to say thanks to the Custys staying with you....


Case in point...


I was pissed at Directv, and my contract was up by about 4 mths, I wanted some new equipment, and a better deal on my plan...sure sure ill sign up again for the 2 year commitment....


Well they wouldnt do this, offered me roughly a 10% discount, but still had to BUY the new equipment <_< <_< <_<  and had to have the 2 yr.....stupid


Told them to can it...switched to dish....well 4-6 mths later the calls start (wasted man hrs)  then the mailings start about every 2 weeks (wasted postage, print material) and some more calls.....finally i told the guy if they would have worked 1/2 this hard to keep me, they would be money ahead, and to quit calling



Cell service

almost anything attached to a monthly payment plan and/or contract


Learn to keep your CURRENT custys, and you will be money ahead....

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Here is Customer feed back......


try keeping your CURRENT customers happy


1 Day businesses will Learn this VERY important and somewhat inexpensive lesson


it is cheaper to keep a current customer even by giving some sort of break then it is to attract new customers...


now if you just plain suck, well there is nothing to help but get better...


However all you do is begin to irritate your current customer base, when they continually see DEEP discounts for new people rather then to say thanks to the Custys staying with you....


Case in point...


I was pissed at Directv, and my contract was up by about 4 mths, I wanted some new equipment, and a better deal on my plan...sure sure ill sign up again for the 2 year commitment....


Well they wouldnt do this, offered me roughly a 10% discount, but still had to BUY the new equipment <_< <_< <_<  and had to have the 2 yr.....stupid


Told them to can it...switched to dish....well 4-6 mths later the calls start (wasted man hrs)  then the mailings start about every 2 weeks (wasted postage, print material) and some more calls.....finally i told the guy if they would have worked 1/2 this hard to keep me, they would be money ahead, and to quit calling



Cell service

almost anything attached to a monthly payment plan and/or contract


Learn to keep your CURRENT custys, and you will be money ahead....


The point in an industry like this, is to try to keep current customers as well as get new customers and for the most part, most people aren't willing to go through the hassle of switching carriers unless things are super bad for them. In the case of Sprint, most of the deals for new customers are promotional anyway. Meaning after the end of 2015, they'll be paying the same mount as you anyway. 

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The point in an industry like this, is to try to keep current customers as well as get new customers and for the most part, most people aren't willing to go through the hassle of switching carriers unless things are super bad for them. In the case of Sprint, most of the deals for new customers are promotional anyway. Meaning after the end of 2015, they'll be paying the same mount as you anyway. 

I would disagree ..MOST people want was is ever easiest and cheapest...and works....


So when you have a case like Sprint, where there have been HUGE upgrade pains....then you had better figure out a way to keep your custys happy in other ways....


I get that to shed some of the dead weight makes sense......but wouldn't $25 x 4 million, be better then say $0 x 4 mil??


or "Hey you got 1 of them shitty wimax phones when we said this was gonna be a great thing.....sign the contract for 2 years (with or with out a discount here), and let us cover 1/2 the new phone....or 2/3"


Something to tide them over and at least make them feel like you care...


oh and tell the CS reps to pretty much shut their mouths unless they KNOW what is going on......there is so much bad info out there its comical...


There are ways to fix this, and so far the new guy appears to be on the right track....BUT so many bridges have been burned....its gonna be tough to get them back.....easier to keep them

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The network itself was the biggest pain point for current customers, Claure admitted that himself. Since the network is getting better, customer retention is getting better. It's makes more sense for him to offer promotional deals in that sense to attract the millions of children, teens, etc. that are getting their first smartphone and such. T-Mobile has been targeting that crowd and it's been successful as a whole. Lowering prices for customers you already have doesn't make your business grow. 


I agree there has to be a careful balance between keeping current customers happy and adding new ones but to simply focus on the old customers is not necessarily helpful for them.

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well we can all agree the network was the biggest issue....but not far behind it...are the idiot CS peeps...dont promise something you cant keep...  and dont tell people things that arent fact......how many times have you called in KNOWING the problem tower (because of our awesome info here) and yet they say its been fixed??


And giving a promotion to an already established and mostly loyal customer base, is or should be...EXACTLY how you make it grow.....more so if you already have some issues....


or do as i do in my biz......keep the line flat--------   then i dont have to keep track of who i gave the best deal to, and why arent you matching that one over there.....  here the price, heres what i do....take it or leave it.....


only reason my biz hasnt grown......i have control issues...lol

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