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iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus User Thread


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The text is huge on this version compared to the old one. Seems a lot smoother and faster, a lot like you would expect an iOS app to function. I'll use it longer and get a far better impression.

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So much wasted space on that.... I'll stick with the current version until they offer a more compact view. I would love to turn on auto updates again, but won't justttt yet. It looks much better than before though that's for sure.




See how many more posts lol.



Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

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What does timeline look like. I use that the most



Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

I use that the most too. However, just from looking at the screenshots, I prefer 3.1.1 better.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1

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So much wasted space on that.... I'll stick with the current version until they offer a more compact view. I would love to turn on auto updates again, but won't justttt yet. It looks much better than before though that's for sure.


attachicon.gif ImageUploadedByTapatalk1422588224.545746.jpg


See how many more posts lol.



Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

I'm definitely switching back. This font tacky.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Jesus that's like 3 spaces between each line separation. Absurd. Wasted space.

These devs don't get design. It's so frustrating - I've emailed and tweeted suggestions for readable text, but nothing gets through. This typeface on mobile sucks for reading.


The line height for text input on replies is nice. Reading? Not so much. Garbage.

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I just don't get it. With the 6+ and 6, they have so much more room for activities, and they have significantly reduced how much they can put on the screen. 


It's STUPID. Shorten the line spaces up and then switch the font over to something that doesnt look like it belongs in a school girls diary, and THEN ill update. Until then, NOPE.

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I wish I had the coding know how to create a Tapatalk competitor.

I also wish one of our members could code a "SignalCheck" clone for jail broken iOS devices. All these members, and nobody writes programs? ;)



Sent from my iPhone 6+

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I also wish one of our members could code a "SignalCheck" clone for jail broken iOS devices. All these members, and nobody writes programs? ;)



Sent from my iPhone 6+

I would

Jailbreak for iOS signal check.



Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

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I also wish one of our members could code a "SignalCheck" clone for jail broken iOS devices. All these members, and nobody writes programs? ;)



Sent from my iPhone 6+

Trying to learn Swift in my free time, but that's the problem - I don't have any.

I did build a tip calculator, though, but it'll never get out of the Sandbox. :lol:



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Trying to learn Swift in my free time, but that's the problem - I don't have any.

I did build a tip calculator, though, but it'll never get out of the Sandbox. :lol:



Who needs a tip calculator?  How hard is it to do the math on 15-25 percent in your head?  That is what I do.  But I know that will not go over well with you iPhoners.  So, just get a Wizard -- or a Willard.






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Who needs a tip calculator? How hard is it to do the math on 15-25 percent in your head? That is what I do. But I know that will not go over well with you iPhoners. So, just get a Wizard -- or a Willard.







It's not hard - just an easy, throwaway exercise to learn the language.


I gotta get an iWillard, though. I'll wait in line on launch day.

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I gotta get an iWillard, though. I'll wait in line on launch day.


Make sure your iWillard has no 7 key.  Otherwise, it is defective.



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Even 20 years later, the "Seinfeld" clip is a humorous commentary on use of technology -- especially among older people.  To this day, I bet there are plenty of iPhone owners who use them to make phone calls, calculate tips, and that is about it.



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