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Sprint & Google Voice Integration


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Does anyone have Google Voice integrated with their Sprint Account? And if so, does it lower your total minute usage?


I have it integrated but I only use it for Voice mails and to send texts.


My bill each month shows I sent zero texts.

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I have some trouble with a late ring when I get a phone call. It'll ring 1 1/2 times and then go to voicemail. I've asked the caller how much it rang on their end and they'll say 4 or 5 times before sending to voicemail. Occasionally, a call will go straight to voice mail without a ring. My wife has the same occasional issues. We've checked Gvoice settings on phone and web a couple times and can't see why were missing calls like this. I occassionally miss text messages, but I've had this problem with or without Gvoice.

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