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Capital expenditure, the big 4.


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I saw an article on fierce wireless that made me rethink how well Sprint will compete. The article appeared to show Verizon and AT&T will each be spending more than twice as much as Sprint for the next few years. $20 billion level numbers were talked about compared to 8 for Sprint.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4



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Can you link the article? I'd be willing to bet those figures aren't entirely for wireless. As I'm sure you know, both of those companies have sizable wireline divisions that require significant CAPEX as well and I doubt that they break out wireless CAPEX from total CAPEX.

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Sounds like some old figures ya got there. I think Sprint said around 8Bil at the start of NV. Then they raised that figure shortly thereafter. Then SoftBank came along and double-downed.  

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Sprint isn't made out of money like Verizon and ATT. Why? Because Sprint offers amazing deals and well.. let's face it there coverage isn't like Verizons. Verizon can spend 20Billion to work on there network because people like to over pay. Let's just say I prefer sprint 4G over Verizon 4G here and Verizon 4G blanked my city. But I do not want to pay out the ass for there shit. I've used 7Gb of data this month. That would be a big ass big on Verizon. and i sayyy NTY! :)

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