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Well ATT 4G LTE is live here in FW...


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I saw the first billboard saying " att 4Glte is now live in Fort wayne!" On the way from Huntington to Fort Wayne(which Huntington is live with 4G and the speeds are amazing everywhere!!1.8MB+ anywhere you go! besides when you go indoors.lol)

The only reported LTE so far on thx to Sensorly.


and I didn't even know ATT was doing LTE. I thought tmobile was?! I know theres a few Sprint NV towers along with Some other carrier doing the same work!

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Att is rolling out LTE in many states. You can see their progress by mostly announcements but you can definitely see some proof on Sensorly. At&ts LTE is actually very impressive here in Florida but I prefer my good old unlimited data. :-D

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Att is rolling out LTE in many states. You can see their progress by mostly announcements but you can definitely see some proof on Sensorly. At&ts LTE is actually very impressive here in Florida but I prefer my good old unlimited data. :-D

I'd have to agree with you on that one! xD. Idk anyone with a LTE ATT phone :/

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I'd have to agree with you on that one! xD. Idk anyone with a LTE ATT phone :/


AT&T has a sizable LTE network at this point. Not quite as available as VZW's, but the gap between the two has been shrinking over the past year or so. Of course, that's primarily because VZW has nearly run out of places that they don't have LTE and do have service, but the point remains :P

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AT&T has a sizable LTE network at this point. Not quite as available as VZW's, but the gap between the two has been shrinking over the past year or so. Of course, that's primarily because VZW has nearly run out of places that they don't have LTE and do have service, but the point remains :P

ATT doesn't have to do as much per tower right? Or does Verizon and ATT and Tmobile have to do the same amount of work?

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ATT doesn't have to do as much per tower right? Or does Verizon and ATT and Tmobile have to do the same amount of work?


I believe AT&T is doing the same overlay build as Verizon did, just starting later. T-Mobile is upgrading their sites and base stations, but they don't have to wait for backhaul.

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I believe AT&T is doing the same overlay build as Verizon did, just starting later. T-Mobile is upgrading their sites and base stations, but they don't have to wait for backhaul.


AT&T is putting 700 LTE on Every tower Vs Verizon spacing them more far apart with some 3G 1900 CDMA only towers being left in the dust. 


AT&T down tilts the 700 LTE for better in building and less load per tower for better over all speeds. 

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in my area ATT just went official with LTE and on my work phone getting 30-60mbps down and in the mid teens up is very stable even during peak times.  


Sprint in my is turned on but not launched and not stable - it flips flops from a 4-5 bar LTE stright to a much lower 1-2 3G reading.  Maybe they are turning off the panels not sure but happen a bunch!  BUT when it is up I get a peak of 22mbps which typically settles down to lower teens in the same test; to a low of 1-2mbps as a starting point then during same test levels at 1.5mbps typically during peak.  up is almost always in the 5-8mbps range.   Then EVDO speeds still in the 100-300kbps range.



NOW I know Sprin hasn't launched in this market yet SO not faulting them at all - just reporting what I am seeing.  I am very grateful for having LTE in the 1st place.  


oh and I would be very happy to see 3-5mbps down on a standard basis... don't need those astronomical speeds att is pushing!

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AT&T is putting 700 LTE on Every tower Vs Verizon spacing them more far apart with some 3G 1900 CDMA only towers being left in the dust. 


AT&T down tilts the 700 LTE for better in building and less load per tower for better over all speeds. 


Ah ok so are they doing drop-in cabinets colocated with existing sites?

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Ah ok so are they doing drop-in cabinets colocated with existing sites?


I'd guess something like that; remember that AT&T has a good quantity of fiber-backhauled H+ sites out there that broadcast on CLR + PCS.

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I'd guess something like that; remember that AT&T has a good quantity of fiber-backhauled H+ sites out there that broadcast on CLR + PCS.


Yep, which makes sense, only issue is having to go back for a total retrofit, ALA Network Vision.

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