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To so many consumers, why is Sprint's name "mud"? (was: Sprint vs Carriers A,B and C)


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Sprint has a checkered past. Not news. Sprint has a smaller native network than ATT and Verizon. Not news. Open ended, vague threads like this are the equivalent to bashing our heads against pavement to make sure it still hurts and are easily guaranteed to bring the whine from anyone with a less than perfect experience in the last 15+ years. This isnt su.com. Sprint is a value carrier with many challenges and a brilliant and rich japanese man saddled to take the reigns. Despite what changing the name and color of the company would positively accomplish in the psyche of the short sighted average American consumer, Sprint chooses to hold on to its legacy. So get patient, get excited, respect the mods and godfathers of knowledge like AJ and Digiblur, or just get out.


Sent from my Note II. Its so big.


This is an excellent post to end this thread with. This thread is not providing the excellent discourse that S4GRU strives for and is ripe to become overrun by trolls. Thread closed.


Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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Neither. Sprint was in a use it or lose it position concerning the 2500 mhz spectrum. Wimax was ready. LTE was not. The rest is history.


Besides the BRS 2600 MHz buildout requirements and LTE non availability, what many people fail to appreciate is that, had WiMAX really taken off, Sprint would have flung the doors wide open for connected devices.


See, LTE is standardized by 3GPP, which is basically under the thumb of wireless operators.  And those wireless operators have their own self interest at heart.  But WiMAX is standardized by IEEE, hence controlled by engineers, electronics manufacturers, and ultimately consumers.


WiMAX sweeping success would have meant electronics manufacturers routinely embedding WiMAX chipsets in handsets, tablets, laptops, etc., just as they do with Wi-Fi (another IEEE standard) chipsets today.  Consumers would have been able to buy countless off the shelf devices and just supply MAC addresses to attach them to WiMAX data plans.


So, those who fault Sprint for going down the WiMAX path may also be those who complain about wireless operator control over devices.  Well, they should realize that Sprint tried something that would have really shaken up the wireless industry.  And, even though it was unsuccessful, Sprint should be commended for that.



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