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    Middleton Wi
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    4G Information

mr.phoneguy's Achievements

Member Level:  1x Advanced

Member Level: 1x Advanced (7/12)



  1. If I guess correctly, the blsck ea earth signal would be coming from Sauk city. Sauk is currently broadcasting lte according to sensorly
  2. I was at the game also. My friend's u.s. cellular phone couldn't call/text/data either if it makes you feel better. Lol
  3. Two years later you'll be saying the same thing lol
  4. Note 3 is gonna be available on cricket? Lol
  5. Who else plans on getting the note 3?
  6. What a tragedy. I was gonna use the one up program for this phone. What a pos phone.
  7. Rumor has it, the sprint note 3 won't have 800 compatibility. Anyone else hear that?
  8. Thanks, I have difficulty writing post's on here using my phone.
  9. In other words, be careful of you're complaints about sprints network on this site. My account on here was suspended without warning for almost two week's for venting my displeasure to my fellow Sprint user's in here. As far as waiting for 4g is concerned, the area's that I most frequent are covered very nicely. It takes a fraction of a second to load an album on rahpsody. However, im not seeing much improvment
  10. I have a feeling a tower near the far east side of Middleton will be 4g accepted soon, as my phone sporadically connects too lte in my apartment. I have wifi at home, but, I noticed I had lte when I drove into my parking lot last night! Now it's gone again.
  11. I wonder how accurate is the accepted list
  12. Theres lte almost everywhere on the far west Madison/Middleton!! Decent speeds too!
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