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Coverage in Charlotte NC

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Hey guys I joined yesterday and will be becoming a sponsor on Friday. I am going to an all weekend Rock show in Charlotte the weekend of May 3-5. My question is.... The how strong is the coverage in charlotte(specifically the lowes motor speedway area). As I said I have iPhone 5 and living in Charkeston SC thus should be the first time I get to test drive the Netwofk vision LTE fit the first time. Should my expectations be low or is Charlotte pretty strong with their LTE. Hoping not for a letdown.


Thanks guys,


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I saw those Jim bob. I was looking for the soldiers on the grounds feedback. Thanks for the link tho! Can't wait until my precious Charleston SC lights up!



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Hey guys I joined yesterday and will be becoming a sponsor on Friday. I am going to an all weekend Rock show in Charlotte the weekend of May 3-5. My question is.... The how strong is the coverage in charlotte(specifically the lowes motor speedway area). As I said I have iPhone 5 and living in Charkeston SC thus should be the first time I get to test drive the Netwofk vision LTE fit the first time. Should my expectations be low or is Charlotte pretty strong with their LTE. Hoping not for a letdown.


Thanks guys,



Whoa, another Daniel J in Charlotte? Hopefully there's enough room in this city for the both of us. Fortunately I am 1982, so there will be no confusion...


Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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