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Weird Date & Time Issues


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Usually these are tower issues, but in a household with 3 Sprint devices, only my wife's S3 occasionally goes back in time by 29 hours. My phone (Evo LTE) hasn't had this issue at all. Both will be either on 4G or on 3G, but regardless of which, hers flips back. Turning airplane mode on & off usually fixes the issue, but it happens every so often (maybe once a week).


I was guessing maybe they were working on the 4G tower here since it's not formally launched in my area yet, although if that was the case I'd think my phone would weird out too. Any ideas?

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Usually these are tower issues, but in a household with 3 Sprint devices, only my wife's S3 occasionally goes back in time by 29 hours. My phone (Evo LTE) hasn't had this issue at all. Both will be either on 4G or on 3G, but regardless of which, hers flips back. Turning airplane mode on & off usually fixes the issue, but it happens every so often (maybe once a week).


I was guessing maybe they were working on the 4G tower here since it's not formally launched in my area yet, although if that was the case I'd think my phone would weird out too. Any ideas?


In the Chicago market, all the 4G cores were switching everyones time to the Eastern time zone because the cores were all tested in Indiana while they were on Eastern time. Your problem could be something that simple, and Sprint may not even be aware of the issue. I would maybe give tech support a call?

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In the Chicago market, all the 4G cores were switching everyones time to the Eastern time zone because the cores were all tested in Indiana while they were on Eastern time. Your problem could be something that simple, and Sprint may not even be aware of the issue. I would maybe give tech support a call?

I'll try calling them next time. I'd think that it would have the same effect on my Evo in that case tho, or at least consistently flip the time when connected to 4g. How did i happen in your case in Chicago?
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I'll try calling them next time. I'd think that it would have the same effect on my Evo in that case tho, or at least consistently flip the time when connected to 4g. How did i happen in your case in Chicago?


Tower cores were set to the wrong time in Chicago in some cases. Sprint had to adjust the time. Usually took a week or two. You can change the phone setting to not automatically update the time, this will stop grabbing the tower's time and just use whatever time you set.

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I have had a similar situation that happened to me previously and it just happen to me today. Now currently I am in the Virgin Islands but my phone said I was in Las Vegas showing Las Vegas's current time. As I sat there and watched the screen, it switched back to the correct local information.

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When I went to the Alabama/Georgia line this past Saturday and hit a patch of 4G...I watched my phone (Galaxy S3) switch to the timezone (-6 for Central, -5 for EST)...but my wife's phone wouldn't do it. We went way over the GA line, to exit 9 ..and were at that location quite a few minutes (30 or so) before heading back across the CST timezone...mine was switching before I hit Alabama, and even while still in Georgia...forward and backward an hour. Wife's never did switch until we had just crossed into Alabama, then it switched for about 30 seconds, and went back to CST and stayed.


Does the ROM have something to do with this? I'm running a custom ROM...she's factory without root. That was the only conclusion I could come to. And also, my custom ROM'd S3 picked up 4G before hers did, and kept it longer...even though we were side by side in the van and had good/full signal.

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