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NFC Tag giveaway


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The best ones are the cheapest...


There are several different sizes of memory, stickers, business cards, etc. Some are preformatted and some require you to write info to them before they will function.


If you have a GS3 the samsung ones are easy to use, but you pay for that luxury. As was said earlier, they all do basically the same thing, some require more expertise on initial set up.

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Badge of honor? Not having Facebook?


Spacebook free for 18 months now. Love it! People actually have to communicate directly with me. All the bragging sugar daddy marrying chicks and baby mama drama stays on space book.


Sent from my SPH-L900



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Spacebook free for 18 months now. Love it! People actually have to communicate directly with me. All the bragging sugar daddy marrying chicks and baby mama drama stays on space book.


Sent from my SPH-L900



I don't allow idiots onto my friend list. Problem solved.

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I don't allow idiots onto my friend list. Problem solved.


Tried that... then you get pissy so called friends and relatives complaining that you aren't friends with them. I got tired of all the garbage after it turned into a bunch of children from kindergarten. So I solved it, removed everyone from my friends list and deactivated the account. Best thing I've done. I know several people that have done the same. In the end I realized I got absolutely zero out of Facebook and was just dragging me down.

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Tried that... then you get pissy so called friends and relatives complaining that you aren't friends with them. I got tired of all the garbage after it turned into a bunch of children from kindergarten. So I solved it, removed everyone from my friends list and deactivated the account. Best thing I've done. I know several people that have done the same. In the end I realized I got absolutely zero out of Facebook and was just dragging me down.


When people get pissy because I won't approve their friend request, I tell them that maybe they should "stop posting worthless [garbage]"


Yes, I am an a-hole in real life as well...

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Badge of honor? Not having Facebook?


Nah...just a statement of fact.


The job I had, wouldn't allow it. Now I just don't want it for the same reasons stated by Digiblur, and because I have no interest in broadcasting details of my life to everyone.


KCT - "No Matter Where You Go, There You Are!"



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Good for you guys... my parents live several states away and they get to keep up with the goings on of my life. Also, when i am deployed, it works as a general source for family and friends to see that I am doing fine and I get a little piece of home... all except for a guy I've been friends with for 18 years. He refuses to get a facebook account out of some sense of pride, or he just wants to be a jerk...

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  • 5 months later...
Good for you guys... my parents live several states away and they get to keep up with the goings on of my life. Also, when i am deployed, it works as a general source for family and friends to see that I am doing fine and I get a little piece of home... all except for a guy I've been friends with for 18 years. He refuses to get a facebook account out of some sense of pride, or he just wants to be a jerk...


I'm glad that Facebook works for you and that you get some value out of it.


As for your friend that refuses to get a Facebook account, I doubt it from a sense of "pride" or him being a jerk. He may, like me, not want to have the details of his life broadcast to the world.

I mean, for example, I don't necessarily want all of my friends and family to know instantly that I just bought a music CD or went to a specific movie. It's not that I am embarrassed, it is just that I want it to be my choice as to who I tell what to.


Honestly, part of my dislike is having Facebook shoved down my throat. It seems to have gotten to the point where if a person does not have a Facebook account, they are either hiding something really bad, or are a jerk with no friends. That, is not fair.


Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2



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