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Network Vision/LTE - Tampa Market


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One more test.


I've been following this thread for some time. Now I just hope they will activate some sites in the Seminole and Largo area. I drive for a living all over Pinellas every day and will map everything I can on sensorly.


There are sites ready in both


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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Still stand by the Sensorly or it didn't happen.


Oh and by the way I hate you guys. Looking at completed towers with no workers at them really sucks. No signal nor any workers to be found at other planned sites.


Sent from a little old Note 2


Nicely put!

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I'm not sure what this mean but are these all different sites? Different sectors of the same site aretedu2.jpg


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


That's the 1x info of where your phone found LTE.


Sent from a little old Note 2



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So funny story. I'm leaving that site after doing some more mapping. Wanted to see how far the signal goes. Sorry didn't get a chance to go east.


The whole way I'm toggling like a fool and passing the sites that are in progress to see if I can get a signal. I get about a few miles from my house and I remember I have to start Andy Dalton tonight. I go to my Yahoo Fantasy app and try to change the lineup and I got network issues, try again network issues. At this point I'm like crap.. I get to the corner of the first site I saw with work being done back in October and I'm staring at it because it looks like there is a light up there.


Sure as shit the reason I'm having network problems is because it looks like they are doing a hot cut over for the LTE. Trucks and everything out there. Now I'm laughing cuz the very thing I'm chasing is going to kill my fantasy team. I'm assuming tomorrow I will wake to some sweet sweet LTE nearby..


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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I think there must be another site on the other side of the Trop broadcasting. Looks like the signal starts to get stronger over there.


I finally just got home and look at the tracks. It looks like yes there was another site closer to the hospital. There is one that I passed that is being looked at now but the only other one it could be is the Trop. I was having some strange issues with the EVO too. When I was in that area I had no icon indicating I had and data but on the network screen it was showing I was connected to LTE and was giving those signals.


If that screen shot is indicating different tower sites then it would make sense that I hit two sites


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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Hot cut? They pulled down the legacy panels to replace them with NV?


Sent from a little old Note 2


I can't tell cuz it was dark.. Can you think of another reason they would be up there at night though?


Another thing too. When I took pictures of that site originally they had run the cables then came back and hung the panels. I looked Digi but never took pictures again but I wonder if they never hooked those cables up? It doesn't make much sense to climb at night to do that when they could have been secured on the ground and connected. What do you think?


Another possibility is that it's not Sprint but AT&T.. I'll know more in the morning


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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Don't worry Bill, I tried posting a few times and was called a troll so I just stopped posting. I still run Sensorly everyday though. I know I would have contributed more info had felt welcome.


My bad Troy but you said you ran sensorly and it never, never popped up. Thats what we use to verify. Period. You can't run around screaming LTE and getting everyone pumped and nothing shows. Don't come in here trying to stir it up. I said what I said about Bill and then recanted just like I said to you that day. You participate in the discussion if you want but if you let the internets dictate if you post or have a discussion with people that you have something in common with thats on you. I am one person on this site and I promise you far from the most engaging there are many many other people for you to chop it up with. Don't use a conversation with me to determine if you are going to be a ghost on the site lurking in the background.

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I am saying your attitude dissuades others from contributing. Anyways...I still get 4g icon on my phone everyday in the same spots for weeks and I have no explanation for it. I know it is not LTE speeds, but something is triggering it. I had posted screenshots hoping someone could explain it.

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I am saying your attitude dissuades others from contributing. Anyways...I still get 4g icon on my phone everyday in the same spots for weeks and I have no explanation for it. I know it is not LTE speeds, but something is triggering it. I had posted screenshots hoping someone could explain it.

Others? 1 person. YOU. Its cool dude you do you and contribute this is the last I'll speak on this subject on this thread. You want to discuss it hit me up with a private message..for now then back to LTE
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People make mistakes. Feech admitted his error. Rubbing his nose in it after apologizing is not very cool, either.


Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk

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I'm dying to hit that other tower they were working on tonight until I read this text from my girl again




I can't go and play until the morning..


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


You have to work where she drives you and you are free to take pics ;)


Sent from a little old Note 2



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